Alliance Exercise – Periodic event to gain many rewards fighting united as an alliance against the Marshall’s tanks

Type: Periodic event (every 2-3 days)

Duration: 30 minutes

Section: Events Events icon-> Alliance Exercise

Requirements: Strong teams and many soldiers are needed. Alliance members must be close to the marshal platform

Rewards:  Both alliance rewards and individual rewards are won




The Marshal’s Exercise or Alliance Exercise is a periodic event that allows the alliance to earn various rewards. It is level structured and tests the combat strength of the alliance.

The R4 and R5 of the alliance can decide the time at which to launch the exercise (it can also be different each time), so read the alliance announcements carefully.

The Marshal’s Exercise is divided into 3 phases:


During this phase there is a countdown to the start of the trial during which alliance members can donate wrenches.

To donate wrenches go to: Special Events -> Alliance Tutorial -> Build.

  • Donate wrenches that allow you to increase the damage of the hits launched by the alliance, as a bonus you get 500 alliance points for each wrench donated.
Donate wrenches
  • It is essential to get close to the platform and still be close to the alliance rally point
  • It is essential to withdraw troops from mines and fields 5-10 minutes before the start of the marshal, so that they are available to launch rallies.


Objective : Attack the tanks that appear.

The exercise will take place where the platform is located, which can be found by going to: Events Events icon -> Alliance Exercise -> View Button, or finding visually the platform on the map.

Alliance Exercise Event
Marshall platform on map

Once the exercise has started, the platform disappears and 5 tanks will appear in its place.

The alliance will have to attack the Marshal’s tanks with rallies. It is not possible to do 1 minute rallies but only 3 minutes. It is not possible to attack directly, but only via rally.

Reward Stage 4

A progress bar will appear saying Reward Phase 1, and the more you hit you can get to phase 5, once you have reached this point the exercise has been won at alliance level.


The strategy is very simple for those who have 2 teams:

  • click on the tanks to launch rallies ( 3 minutes long !) with the weakest team against the tanks
  • participate in other people’s rallies ( first those with the countdown closest to zero ) with the strongest team.
  • never stop until the event ends
  • those who have 3 teams can use two teams (the strongest) to join other rallies and the other (the weakest) to launch rallies
  • it is possible to start only 1 rally at a time for each alliance member, so even if you have 3 squads you cannot launch 2 rallies at the same time. But you can participate in as many rallies as you want at the same time

Rally screen to participate in.

Remove members from rally

It is possible to see who is participating in a rally by clicking on the Count/Limit icon of the relevant rally.

It is possible to remove a team if its arrival time at the rally causes a delay in the start. Use red arrow symbol to remove the teammate from the squad.

Rally participants
Rally remove someone


  1. A few minutes before the exercise, explore a base that does not belong to any alliance. This will activate war fever mode which allows you to do +1% damage. IMPORTANT: don’t use this trick while you have shield on because you will lose it.
  2. To maximize your individual points, participate in the rallies launched by the R4 and R5 which give you +2.5% (R4 without role) / +5% (R5 and R4 with role Warlord, Butler, Muse, Recruiter) (the writing appears in the list of rallies)
  3. Using the strongest team to participate in other people’s rallies allows you to score more points, while the weakest team will be “stuck” waiting for the rally to start

Wounded soldiers

When the troops return you will have some wounded. Use the hospital symbol to heal the troops, be careful to select only an amount of soldiers such that the healing time is maximum 25-30 minutes (depending on your headquarters level and the research you have done in the technology center) , start the healing and then click on the two hands symbol (alliance help requested), you will see that they heal in a few seconds. In the space of a few minutes you heal hours-long injuries.


With this event you will win:

  1. Rewards for the entire alliance. These rewards are based on how much damage is done in total by the alliance
  2. Individual awards that depend on the damage caused by the individual person.

The prize values ​​in the images below are for Marshal Level 1, each level has different prizes.

Alliance Rewards

The more damage you cause to the tanks, the higher the rewards. There are 5 reward phases and they are shown immediately below the tanks with a progress bar and writing

Reward stage 4

The event will be won at the alliance level when you reach Reward Stage 5

Rewards Stage 5

At the end of the countdown the tanks will disappear and the platform will reappear with the words event has ended

Event ended

At the end of the marshal you will be able to see the scores and prizes. Click on the Marshall platform and then on rewards to access this page.

Rewards details
  • If at least one player has achieved a minimum score which depends on the level of the exercise then there is the MVP bonus and the prizes are multiplied by x10 for the whole alliance.

Individual Rewards

Regardless of the alliance rewards, each participant is entitled to individual rewards based on the damage done. You can also see this score during the event.

In this image, for example, the individual damage done was 18.4 m which therefore gave the right to the highest prize range which started from 2.2 m

Individual rewards

Important things

  • Alliance members must be close to the alliance base and possibly closer to the marshal’s platform. Having distant members can cause rallies that must last a maximum of 5 minutes to be slowed down (even more than 30 minutes). R4 and R5 should consider expelling inactive, unresponsive members as the auto-rally feature ensures that they are also automatically included in rallies
  • It should be forbidden to launch generic rallies starting from 15 minutes before the start of the exercise
  • It is important that all members recall teams if they were sent to collect in mines or fields a few minutes before the start of the event. Rallying is NOT possible unless a squad is on base.
  • It is should be prohibited to launch any type of rally other than rallying towards the marshal during the exercise
  • Rallies must ALWAYS be 3 minutes long .
  • If a rally has been correctly launched 3 minutes ago by a member close to the platform (not far from the allies base) you should NEVER cancel a rally
  • If for various reasons a squad of a member who is far away is added to the rally and therefore delays the start of the rally, it is possible to remove this squad from the rally, the person who launched the rally will have to do so.
  • You can perform Marshall exercise even if you have a shield on. Don’t use the trick to enable war fever if you have shield on because you will lose it.
  • The timing of the launch of the rallies is fundamental to the success of the challenge


  1. Average_J

    Is there a way to move the Marshalls guard event closer to our city?

    • cristian

      Unfortunately you can’t move it once it is set. It seems to place itself automatically close to the alliance reunion point and close to the R4 that is setting it.

    • Mike

      Set your assembly point beside Marshalls Guard & have members teleport to it. You might also use Alliance teleport if you are leader, & all there troops are in the base.

    • cristian

      With the latest game update you can move the Marshall even after it was set. It should be easy now to place it wherever you want.

    • Derk

      Why should you go on after level 5 is reached? When the individual rewards are maxed out to?

      • cristian

        It makes sense to continue when you reach level 5 only if there are allies that didn’t reach the maximum individual rewards. So what people that already reached maximum rewards should do is continue to start rallies to help the allies to reach that goal. Additionally, if allies that are offline enabled the auto rally for Marshall, doing more rallies will help also offline commanders to reach those goals.

  2. robert

    can the start time be changed?

    • cristian

      Once the marshall platform has been set you can’t change position or time. But you are not forced to start the marshall when the countdown ends. Once the first countdown ends a new one will start (in red writing) that tells you that you have to start the marshall within that time, if you don’t you lose the alliance exercise that time.

      • caelum

        Hey Cris 👋🏻
        The question I will post here is from my R4, she actually wants to know if what would garner better rewards, players aiming for level 7 individual rewards (around 80% of them) or would it be better to aim for a level 8 reward but not all players would have maximum damage as compared with a level 7. Sorry, sounds confusing but this is what I’ve gotten from her.

        • cristian

          Hey, the decision depends on many things: 1) are your alliance members that are not able to get those rewards asking to lower level? 2) Are you in a moment of time in which all your alliance members are low on troops? (example after wars or during season 1 battles) ? Based on those and other questions it is up to you to decide. I personally think that it is useless to have higher level than needed as the rewards are not much better, and you keep more people from earning the max individual rewards.

      • E

        Hey, quick question. We tried delaying the start of marshal time after it was prepped and thought we had 2 hours to do so. but then it said the event had ended. How long exactly do we have after its prepped to start marshal? Thanks for the input in advance

        • cristian

          Hi, actually I don’t know how much you can delay it as I haven’t managed that for quite a while, I will see if someone in my alliance can answer that. Thanks

    • Dawid

      Czy da się ustawić Marshalla tak żeby po ustawieniu go zawsze był w tym samym miejscu i się nie przenosił po resecie serwera ?

      • cristian

        I don’t think you can do that, you have to place it every time.

  3. Anonymous

    Is there an information on rewards and potential troop losses for each Alliance Exercise levels? And for a small alliance of 10 active members which are mostly levels 20-27, is it necessary to hit higher Alliance Exercise level?

    • cristian

      Hi, I don’t have that info about troop losses for Alliance Exercise. There is no need to do a higher level of Alliance Exercise, choose the level that gives you a low amount of troops and allows “all” your alliance members to get the maximum tier of rewards.

  4. Steenmachine

    Hey there, I am trying to figure out how to create a consistent schedule for Marshal. We wanted to do Monday, Wednesday, Friday. When I checked the exercise menu it is telling me I have to set it today (Sunday) if I skip that will it just roll over to Monday and I can set it then or do I have to set it on a Sunday?

    • cristian

      Hi, sorry for the late answer, my suggestion is to do it as soon as it is available, as that event gives nice resources that are essential for growth. Delaying it have a fixed schedule would make you miss opportunities I think, but I am not sure about the exact schedule times.

  5. Daniel Johnson

    How many alliance members are needed to di the exercise?

    • cristian

      There are no rules about it anywhere, so I guess 2 people are enough as it is the minimum amount to do a rally.

  6. Bruce

    My 1st squad is sitting at 8m power, my 2nd squad is at 4 mil power. When attacking the marshal, my 1st squad does 10x more damage than my 2nd squad. Any explanation to this? I’m far from the only one in my alliance having the same question.

    • cristian

      It is normal that your first squad does more damage in Marshall event. The explanation is that probably your first squad includes some heroes that have skills that increase the overall power damage: example Mason or Marshall. The most power and damage is given by: hero exp level, skills and shards

  7. Ala Bouraoui

    Is there a minimum squad power for each level and if so what’s the requirement for each level
    I am asking this because I notice that some people when they rally they do almost no damage to the Marshall so that’s why I want to know what the recommended squad power for each level

    • cristian

      I never tracked the required power for each level. It is a team effort and most of the outcome depends on how fast and organized your alliance is to hit more times. What alliances usually do is to start from a level and go to the next one only if they were able to win the current level with 5-10 spare minutes.

  8. Djack

    Bonjour, nous venons de débloquer le maréchal “élite” (niveau 11 et 12), mais nous n’avons que peu d’informations. Connais-tu la valeur des récompenses de ces deux derniers level ?

    • cristian

      I didn’t look at them to be honest because anyway the rewards are very low 🙂 . I would not expect for level 11/12 something interesting regarding rewards.

  9. KZINT999

    Hello. How many members are required to play the Alliance exercise? TY.

    • cristian

      You need at least 20 members

  10. John

    Does anyone know if this event is considered a “Monster” which would take more damage from heroes like Mason?

    • cristian

      I am not sure 100%, but I would say no. I don’t see people fixing their squads to include Mason usually, as they do for bosses.

  11. Claudia D

    Is there somewhere a list of all levels strenght/stats and or rewards?

    • cristian

      No sorry, I didn’t track that info

  12. nvncyhime

    If you have a new member join the alliance, can they still participate in Marshal Guard or no? Zombie Siege is a no for new members comings so I am wondering if it is the same case. Thank you in advance!

    • cristian

      Yes they can participate in Marshal Guard, no limitation on that one when joining an alliance

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