Once the Zombie Invasion starts, numerous invading zombies will appear in the World Map.
Kill the zombies to gain resource rewards, courage medals and to spawn Zombie Boss that carry huge rewards.
After Season 2 the event evolves, adding a new goal, check it out in this paragraph: Zombie Invasion – Glacieradon
This event introduces 2 types of monsters:
- Invading zombie: 3 small zombies with golden coins that appear in waves randomly on the map
- Zombie Boss: they spawn randomly after an Invading Zombie is killed
Invading zombies will appear in waves, a countdown of the next wave is visible in the event page at the bottom.
Below you can see how invading zombies and Zombie Boss appear from close.
Invading zombie
Zombie Boss
In the image on the right you can see how they appear instead in the map from far.
The small golden skulls are the Invading Zombies, the big golden skulls are Zombie Bosses.
- When you zoom out in the map you will not see the user interface in which there is show if an ally started a rally on a Zombie Boss.
- If you want to search for Zombie Bosses on the map and still be able to join rally really fast, once you zoomed out in the map hit the back button on your phone. In android usually you have a virtual button to do so or a gesture.
There are multiple goals in this event:
- Collect courage medals : –
- killing Invading Zombies and Zombie Bosses.
- spend courage medals in the event Trade Store
- Kill Invading Zombies:
- they provide lot of resources and 10 courage medals
- all Invading zombies are Level 10 and have all the same amount of rewards.
- Kill Zombie Bosses:
- they provide lot of resources and more courage medals .
- the amount of resources and courage medals increase with the Level of the Zombie Boss.
- the higher the Level the more difficult it is to kill it.
- if you discovered the Zombie Boss killing an Invading Zombie, whenever the Zombie Boss gets killed by you or anyone else you will receive additional rewards in your mail
- Rank high in the event Leaderboard to earn additional rewards
- After Season 2 an additional alliance goal is added check it out in this paragraph: Zombie Invasion – Glacieradon
Invading Zombie rewards
Zombie Boss Level 65. rewards
You will receive a similar mail when a Zombie Boss you discovered killing an Invading Zombie is killed by you or anyone else.
The rewards depend on the Zombie Boss level.
- Killing invading zombies grants “Courage Medals” . Use them to redeem for a variety of rewards at the event store.
- There’s a small chance that a Zombie Boss will appear after killing invading zombies. They offer rich rewards but are very powerful, you will need to rally troops to defeat them.
- During the zombie attack, the damage commanders inflict on the Zombie Boss will be accumulated and ranked. At the end of the event, rewards based on ranking can be claimed in the mailbox. The higher the cumulative damage, the better the rewards.
- After the event ends, commanders who participated in defeating the invading zombies will receive Invasion Defender rewards.
- the level of the zombie leader summoned is determined by the highest level of leader that has been killed by the same summoner, and the level of the zombie leader that can be summoned is 15 levels below to 5 levels above that level.
- Once a Zombie Boss appears there is a protection period where only the discoverer’s alliance members can rally against it for 10 minutes
Trade Store
The event trade store allows to redeem many interesting items, but they are limited.
Some items appear with Season 1 / Season 2, and they are not immediately available.
Game play video
In this video you can see:
- the event page detail, trade store, leaderboard and records
- an Invading zombie is killed and it spawns a Level 60 Zombie boss
- the Level 60 Zombie boss is killes
- additional rewards are received in the mail
Leaderboard and rewards
During the whole event, the total damage on Invading Zombies and Zombie Bosses is tracked and based on the leaderboard additional rewards are provided.
Zombie Invasion – Glacieradon
Once you passed Season 2, the event evolves adding a new challenge that needs to be addressed by the Alliance.
Let’s see what’s new here:
- First of all, you see the name of the event changed a bit, adding the Glacieradon subtitle and the fearsome Beast Glacieradon is in the background image.
- Right above the box where you can look up your Zombie/Zombie Boss findings you will see a progress bar with the Glacieradon icon and the amount of Zombie Boss to kill to invoke the Glacieradon
- Additional rules, shown in the next paragraph apply
Additional Rules:
- Defeating the Zombie Bosses earns Glacieradon points for your Alliance. Once enough points are gathered, the Alliance leader and R4 can trigger the Glacieradon challenge manually. Each Alliance can only begin the Glacieradon challenge once per event. Glacieradon uses ice attacks that freeze commander bases, preventing relocation or rallying. The challenge lasts 60 minutes, and if not completed in time, Glacieradon will leave.
- You can attack Glacieradon up to 30 times during the event. Every successful attack reduces Glacieradon’s HP and may trigger a critical hit that deals multiple times the damage. After each attack, players receive the attack reward, and critical hits provide multiplied attack rewards based on the multiplier. The player who lands the final blow will get a 10x attack reward!
- If Glacieradon’s HP drops to zero during the challenge, it will be defeated, and its treasure will drop. Collect it to earn rewards. Note: New Alliance members cannot collect treasure within 24 hours of joining.
- If Glacieradon is defeated within the time limit, all Alliance members will receive a reward via mail. If not, a consolation reward will still be sent. You can only get the rewards once during the event.
- Glacieradon will leave 2 hours before the event ends, and no new challenges can be started after it’s gone. Plan your challenges carefully.
Once the R4/5 starts the event you will see a notification in your Alliance chat, and a Glacieradon in Alliance Finding section of the Zombie Invasion event page. As you can see in this case it is a Level 1 Glacieradon, so expect them to become stronger in the next events.
Clicking on the notification or the Glacieradon icon you can find it on map:
Every 30 seconds (at least at Level 1 Glacieradon) the Glacieradon will attack firing 3 snow balls that will freeze immediately the bases they hit:
Once the monster is killed some Glacieradon’s Treasures appear on map to be collected, similar to Loots when a City is captured.
Additionally if your Alliance manages to kill the Glacieradon, you will receive by mail some rewards (this mail is for a Level 1 Glacieradon):
Is this During Season 2, Or during the S2 Celebration?? Your statement “after season 2” is a bit vague to go by
In the 2 servers I saw it happening (#22 and #87) it was after Season 2 Celebration, but it was early servers so I expect this to happen after Season 2 and not after Season 2 Celebration in the newer section. But again, this is just a guess based on how I saw dev doing things.
We had the glacieradon weeks 2 and 4 of Season 2 celebration. I’m in server 386
Thanks for confirming it is after season 2 and during season 2 celebration
It was added at the end of the season 2 or at the beginning of post season 2 celebration as additional event. Don’t remember exactly when, don’t have access to the patch notes but definitely more than 30 days ago. BTW I’m from #19.
I am going through Season 2 with another account, so soon I will find out the exact moment when Zombie Invasion will change.
In Season 2 you would get Professional EXP for clearly the ice from your allies bases, does this hold true here when the Glacieradon shoots the snowballs that freezes the bases?
Honestly I never thought about that, I can check next time Glacieradon Zombie Invasion happens on my accounts.
how to spawn level 105 to 120 zombie boss
You need to kill higher boss zombies you summon and progressively they get higher levels: the level of the zombie leader summoned is determined by the highest level of leader that has been killed by the same summoner, and the level of the zombie leader that can be summoned is 15 levels below to 5 levels above that level.
Why do I get a very high level zombie boss.
Because once you kill a high level zombies you can summon only zombies close to that level, specifically: the level of the zombie leader summoned is determined by the highest level of leader that has been killed by the same summoner, and the level of the zombie leader that can be summoned is 15 levels below to 5 levels above that level.