The ultimate War rules guide for Season 1 – Military Stronghold and City captures, rules, protection status and limits.

The base guide for RA virus molecule Season 1 – The Crimson Plague can be found at this link.

There are a lot of rules about war and capture in Season 1, read them all carefully, this is the only place where you can find them all together.


Start of Season 1

At the beginning of Season 1 all alliances will be relocated on the edge of the server map, all allies of same alliance will be moved as a hive and so not scattered.

The map is completely different:

  • It is much bigger
  • It has 2 types of territories: Military Strongholds and Cities
  • The Capitol is the same and it is called City of Apocalypse

Here an overview of the map division:

All cities and military strongholds start as uncaptured, every Alliance lost its own cities.

The Alliance that held last the capitol will hold it for 28 day, until the capitol is again up for capture. That Alliance will be able to use ministries and hats as usual.

Overall goal

The goal of Season 1 is to gain Influence Points to win the challenge against other Warzones. An Alliance has the influence points as long as it holds the city/stronghold, once it is lost also the influence points are lost.

Influence Points are gained in the following way:

  • few points capturing Military Strongholds
  • many points capturing Cities
  • large amount of points capturing Cities in other Warzones

Alliance Influence per City level:

  • Level 1: 100 k
  • Level 2: 200 k
  • Level 3: 300 k
  • Level 4: 400 k
  • Level 5: 500 k
  • Level 6: 1 M

Military Strongholds capture rules in own Warzone

Starting from day 3 of week 1, Alliances can start capturing Military Strongholds in their own Server (Warzone).

  • Alliances can capture up to 2 Military Strongholds per day (this limit is calculated separately from city capture limits)
  • The limit is on capture, this means that you can attack even 10 strongholds in the same day but once 2 are captured the others will become not attackable and your reinforcement will be sent home. You will not be able to capture the third stronghold the same day.
  • The Alliance needs to capture any Lv.1 Military Stronghold on its server to get the first piece of Alliance territory and expand it by capturing Military Strongholds
  • To capture an additional Military Stronghold you need to own an adjacent Military Stronghold
  • The initial limit of owned Military Strongholds is 3.
  • For every 1-5 level city captured, the limit is increased +1.
  • For every 6 level city captured, the limit is increased +2.
  • Capturing a Military Stronghold requires Virus Resistance
  • To check your current Military Stronghold limit go to Alliance -> Alliance City
  • The amount of Military Stronghold you captured in a specific day is not written anywhere in the game, so you have to keep track of that (tip: check mail, as for every captured or abandoned city/stronghold you will have a mail)
  • If you own a certain amount of Military Strongholds, and you lose a city that so brings your Military Stronghold limit to a number inferior to your currently owned Military Stronghold nothing happens: you will just not be able to capture additional Military Strongholds until you re-balance the equation.
  • You can drop a Military Stronghold as you do for a city, it takes 1 hour to abandon it
  • Once a Military Stronghold is captured it goes into a protection status of 36 hours (this applies both to your server and other Warzones)
  • If you captured both Military Strongholds of the day you will not be able to attack any other Military Stronghold (for example to help another Alliance to defend it against invaders)

City capture rule in own Warzone

Starting from day 4 of Week 1, Alliances can capture Cities in their own Server (Warzone)

  1. Alliances can declare war on up to 2 cities per day (this limit is calculated separately from Military Stronghold capture limits)
  2. Each alliance can only declare war on one City at a time.
  3. The duration of the war declaration is 1 hour
  4. An Alliance’s territory must be connected to the target city to declare war on, through Military Strongholds owned territories.
  5. if the alliance lacks Military Strongholds or Cities, it must first capture a level 1 Military Stronghold. After connecting territories, it can declare war on other Cities regardless of their level
    • In the same Warzone, an Alliance can capture up to 6 Cities
    • During the season, Alliances can also capture up to 6 Cities in other Warzones
    • Troops will be affected by toxins during sieges. Please increase troop Virus Resistance to reduce impact.
    • Siege battles are risky, with a portion of units dying directly. The specific ratio is detailed on Cities.
    • There will be first-time City capture rewards for participants. Alliance members will also receive City rewards. Alliances receive Loot chests as well, distributed by R5 or Butler.
    • After capturing a City, all Alliance members get buffs. The City enters a protected state for 7 days , during which it can’t be declared war upon by others.
    • After capturing a City, the maximum number of Military Strongholds the Alliance can hold in the target war zone increases (check previous paragraph)
    • If you abandon a City, you can recapture it only after 5 days of protection status. Other alliances can capture if before you.
    • After the city enters the war protection status, the time lasts until 6 days later, 12:00 ot the nex Declaration Day Server Time

    Overall rules for own Warzone

    To be clear here some important points:

    • You will be able to capture up to 2 Military Strongholds AND 2 Cities per day, as their limit is separate
    • Once captured both Military Strongholds and Cities go in protection status.

    Stronghold capture in other Warzones

    Starting from day 2 of week 3, Alliances can start capturing Military Strongholds in other Warzones (Servers).

    • Alliances will be able to place “Alliance Outposts” in other Warzones
    • Once the outpost is placed it cannot be removed, starting from the outpost the Alliance can capture Military Strongholds on that Warzone within range.
    • The limit of capture of 2 Military Strongholds per day applies across all Warzone, so you can capture only 2 per day, regardless of where they are placed.
    • For each Warzone the same rules of total limit of owned Military Strongholds and Cities applies, go to Alliance -> Alliance Cities and you will see one tab for each Warzone in which you have an outpost and you can check your current Strongholds/Cities limit for each Warzone
    • Outposts gradually open over time. Each Alliance can have a maximum of 4.
    • It is possible to place max 1 outpost per Warzone (Server)
    • The outposts do not need to be connected to what is going to be attacked, the Military Strongholds need to be connected to what is going to be captured/attacked
    • You can capture any level of city on other warzones, you just need to be connected through a Military Stronghold, so no need to capture level 1 city to capture a level 2 city. Plan capture of Military Strongholds accordingly to this rule.
    • When Outposts are placed they have a protection status, so they cannot be attacked until they are build, the more reinforcement they put in place the faster the construction
    • Once an outpost is build it can be attacked with single attacks, no rallies. It is possible to rebuild destroyed outposts.
    • If your outpost gets destroyed you can simply rebuild it, the outpost is needed only to capture the first Military Stronghold in another server so based on where it is placed you can capture the adjacent Military Strongholds, it is useless otherwise.

    City capture in other Warzones

    Starting from day 3 of week 4, Alliances can start capturing Cities in other Warzones (Servers):

    • You can capture any level of city on other warzones, you just need to be connected through a Military Stronghold, so no need to capture level 1 city to capture a level 2 city.
    • The duration of the war declaration is 1 hour
    • You can declare war to a total of 2 Cities per day across all Warzone, so you can capture at max 2 per day, regardless of where they are placed.
    • Before the Warzone Declaration Event (3rd day of week 4) starts:
      • Each alliance can declare war twice a day.
    • After the Warzone Declaration Event (3rd day of week 4) starts:
      • War can only be declared on declaration days (Thursday and Saturday), and each alliance can declare war twice a day.
    • After the city enters the war protection status, the time lasts until 6 days later, 12:00 on the next Declaration Day Server Time

    Kill day

    Starting from day 2 of week 3, every day:

    • It will be ALWAYS possible to attack alliances’ bases of other Warzones if they are on the contaminated land
    • You can teleport to other Warzones (regardless of outposts) going on the Season 1 event page and than clicking on Grouping

    Starting from day 2 of week 3, on Saturdays (regardless of Duel VS Enemy buster day):

    • It will be ALWAYS possible to attack alliances’ squads and bases on every Warzone
    • Enemies can attack you similarly as your Duel VS opponent can during Enemy Buster day
    • You can teleport to other Warzones (regardless of outposts) going on the Season 1 event page and than clicking on Grouping

    Overall rules for other Warzones

    To be clear here some important points:

    • In other Warzones you don’t need to capture lower level cities to capture other levels
    • Once the Warzone Declaration Event starts you will be able to declare war to cities only on Thursday and Saturday
    • Starting from day 2 of week 3, every Saturdays all bases can be attacked by any alliance of any Warzone.
    • Once captured both Military Strongholds and Cities go in protection status.

    8 thoughts on “The ultimate War rules guide for Season 1 – Military Stronghold and City captures, rules, protection status and limits.

    • Anonymous
      June 17, 2024 at 13:23

      Server 202: We have the version allowing any city connected to a SH to be attacked without requiring specific progression.

      • cristian
        June 17, 2024 at 14:00


    • Anonymous
      June 28, 2024 at 01:08

      Do you happen to know why we can’t declare war in other warzone? We declared war in our own warzone and lost the capture, but the city still has the declaration of war, and now we are trying to declare war in other warzone but it doesn’t let us, is there any way to cancel the declaration of our server or this could be a bug?

      • cristian
        June 28, 2024 at 02:54

        Only 1 declaration of war at a time. The city you declared war has to finish the contest first. Make also sure you don’t reached the limit of 2 declaration of war limits. Go also on Alliance -> Alliance Cities -> at the bottom of the page the limits of capture.

    • Ап икс
      August 21, 2024 at 18:29

      Thanks for finally writing about > The ultimate War rules guide for Season 1 – Military Stronghold and City captures, rules, protection status and limits.

      – Last War: Survival Game – Guides, cheats, tricks, tutorials < Loved it!

      • cristian
        August 21, 2024 at 21:16

        I am happy it helps. This is the only way to have everything and all rules under control 🙂

    • Vladet0
      August 29, 2024 at 11:32

      I’m playing on server 581 and Season 1 will come soon to us. I understand that territories will be reset. However will players’ level be reset too? Heroes level, buildings and so on…
      Will everything be reset? If not – what remains and what goes bye bye?

      • cristian
        August 29, 2024 at 12:18

        Players will not be reset, you will not lose any of the advancements you did. Territories will be reset because the map will change completely and must be recaptured.

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