General’s Trial – Challenge the General to win rewards full of diamonds and hero shards

The General’s Trial is an event that takes place recurringly (more or less 1-2 weeks apart) once you reach level 8 of the Headquarters. It has a difficulty level, every time you finish one level you can choose to challenge the next one the next time the event occurs.



This event provides many important rewards: diamonds, hero shards, EXP, ability medals etc.

It is composed by 2 parts:

  • Solo Challenge
  • Alliance Challenge

Participation Conditions

  1. Base level must be 8 or higher
  2. Only one difficulty level can be selected for each event
  3. Unlock subsequent difficulty level by completing all challenges at the current difficulty

Solo Challenge

The first thing to do to start the General’s trial is to select a difficulty level. Each time you complete a difficulty level you will be able to challenge the next one during the next General’s trial event.

It is very important to select the right difficulty level, else you will lose too many troops and you risk to not be able to complete the 30 challenges anyway.

Some suggestions of difficulty level based on your main squad power:

  • Power < 8 M : Difficulty level 4
  • 8M < Power < 10.49 M : Difficulty level 5
  • Power > 10.5: Difficulty level 6+

Attack the General

In the solo challenge you will fight against the Vanguard Instructors: in the Solo Challenge section click on “Challenge” or in map mode click on the icon with the face of the General General icon.

Once you click it you will see some tanks that you can attack (they have a number that indicates their level of challenge), either with direct attack or with rally. You will need to complete 30 challenges in order to obtain all the available rewards (rewarded each 5 challenges). Most probably you will be able to fight alone with direct attack only up to the 24-25 challenge, and then you will need to use rally for the higher challenges.


The rewards for the solo challenge in this event are really important, also because usually everyone is able to complete this challenge thanks to the help of rallies.

Example of rewards for Lv. 1 Difficulty for the different stages.

Alliance Challenge

Once enough Alliance commanders complete a challenge level, R4 and higher officials can challenge the General’s Elite Forces. The forces appear for 24 hours once the event starts and require a united effort to defeat. Defeating them rewards all Alliance members at the event’s end.


The rewards for the Alliance Challenge usually are very helpful to grow faster


  1. huss

    thank you for your efforts, i just wanted to say that the zombie invasion event is not included in the website? or perhaps i missed it

    • cristian

      Hi, you are right, there is no page about zombie invasion. As soon as Season 2 is over I will start working again on all the other sections of the site 🙂

  2. JP

    General’s Trial has had a radical overhaul as I’m sure you know into Normal and Advanced. 1st day it’s shown on 72, it seems very confusing, after months getting to level 9 on the original General’s Trial.

    • cristian

      I didn’t see the new version. As soon as it happens on one of my accounts, I will update the guide. Thanks for the heads-up.

      • Emoreg

        We would love to see the new version of General’s trial here 🙂

        • cristian

          I will try to update the guide soon 😅

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