Season 1 – The Crimson Plague

RA virus molecule Season 1 – The Crimson Plague is the new big event that brings a lot of changes to Last War.

The most important rules about the War in Season 1 are here: Season 1 – Ultimate War Rules Guide

For each week’s missions and events a separate guide is available to keep these guides mobile friendly:

2 additional guides are also available:


The Story

After the fall of the Doom Legion, the world experienced a fleeting peace. Dr. Noab, who escaped in a hurry, left behind unresolved secrets beneath the Capitol.

Fifteen years earlier, he had arrived at a castle in the north, where he quickly married the young Lady in Red, the estate’s owner. She was aware that he was after her family’s secret artifact the Gift of Blood Spawn. Despite this she chose to ally with Noah to form the Doom Legion, hoping to restore her family’s former glory and ascend as queen of the world.

Ten years ago, the driven Lady in Red took a daring step by injecting herself with the Gift of Blood Spam. She then secluded herself underground, biding her until the moment was right.

Now as the queen emerges, she brings forth the Crimson Plague, plunging humanity into turmoil. Commander, the stage is set for a deadly conflict—this is your chance to demonstrate that you are the true ruler of this world!

New basic resources – Immune Protein, Mutant Crystal and Genetic Fragment

Additional resources are available now in the game, of which 2 (immune protein and mutant crystal) will be managed similarly to the existing food, iron, and gold.

immune protein

Immune Protein:
Used for constructing and upgrading the Virus Research Institute and Military Bases.
You can earn immune protein through:
Protein Farm
– First Time Level Zombie Kill Rewards
– Completing Season 1 Goals for the Virus Resistance increase
– Using Hero’s Return Recruitment ticket heroes return recruitment ticket

mutant crystal

Mutant Crystal:
Used for constructing and upgrading the Protein Farm and Military Bases.
You can earn mutant crystal through:
– First Time Level Zombie Kill Rewards
– Completing Season Quest missions quests
– Completing Season 1 Goals for the Virus Resistance increase
– Doom Walker First Blood Kill (First DW kill of a day)
Genetic Recombination
– Using Hero’s Return Recruitment ticket heroes return recruitment ticket
Weekly Pass and Season Battle Pass

genetic fragment igenetic fragment iigenetic fragment iiigenetic fragment ivgenetic fragment vgenetic fragment vi

Gene Fragment:
There are 6 types of gene fragments. Recombine them to obtain mutant crystals and rewards. Gene fragments can be exchanged with your allies.
You can earn gene fragments through:
– Completing radar missions: Kill Doom Elite, Gather resource, Kill Doom Walker give you type I,II,III
– Killing Crimson Zombies (any level) gives you type I,II,III
– Killing Infected Zombies (any level) gives you type I,II,III
– Killing Doom Elite (any level) gives you type I,II,III
– Curing allies gives you type IV,V,VI (check mail for claim)
– Attacking cities

You can control the amount of these resources (except gene fragments) in the upper part of the game display as you do with other resources. Remember also to check your inventory, because usually when you win these resources as reward they will be available.

The World and the map

With this new season the server map changes drastically, it becomes bigger and filled with new creatures.

You will find frightening and infested villages, military strongholds and the capitol transformed into the City of Apocalypse.

Infested Villages

Military Strongholds

City of Apocalypse (Capitol)

Every city has fallen to the Lady in Red‘s legion, forcing all commanders to the edge of the earth (server).

At the beginning of the season you and your allies will find yourselves stranded to the edge of the server (but still all together as alliance hive), with no owned city. Cities must be re-conquered, but new rules apply…

IMPORTANT: The alliances that holds capitol last will hold the capitol once the season 1 starts, and the capture of the capitol will start only after 28 days following the City clash event. Hats/Ministries will be available as usual.

Doom elite monsters are transformed into aggressive infecting scorpion monsters, and most of the zombies are infectious.

This is how the map looks like. The buildings you see are the cities, the other tiles in between are Military Strongholds.

A quick video overview

New Buildings

New types of buildings are available and necessary, they can be built only on the outside of your base’s perimeter. Some appear right at the beginning of the season, others will follow.

The land has been infected by a potent virus carried by zombies, surviving the apocalypse requires enhanced Virus Resistance, achievable only through constructing a Virus Research Institute

Virus Research Institute

The Virus research institute allows to enhance Virus Resistance.

Level up Virus Research Institute

You will need immune protein immune protein to level up the Virus Research Institute.

Leveling up this building allows to increase the Virus Resistance that is fundamental to survive in this apocalyptic times.

This building can be upgraded up to level 30, regardless of your HQ level.

Protein Farm

This new building farms immune proteins immune protein, one of the new resources of the season.

There is a total of 5 Protein Farms available (the fifth available only with Season’s Weekly Pass)

Level up Protein Farms

You will need mutant crystals mutant crystal to level up the protein Farms.

This building can be upgraded up to level 30, regardless of your HQ level.

Once your first Protein Farm reaches a level 5 a new Protein Farm will be available.

Subsequent Protein Farms will be available when the previous reaches level 10.

One Protein Farm will be immediately available with the Season’s Weekly Pass.

Military Bases

Three new buildings that allow hero types enhancements will be available starting from the third week.

To upgrade them you will need both immune proteins immune protein and mutant crystals mutant crystal. These buildings can be upgraded up to level 30, regardless of your HQ level.

Each level upgrade will increase the corresponding hero type’s HP, Attack and defense by 1%.

New Farms – Alliance Resources

After killing doom elites randomly a new alliance resource farm type can temporarily appear. Send your squad to gather together with your allies the resources food/iron/gold/diamonds/mutant crystals.

Military Strongholds

On the map, among cities (villages), you will find Military Strongholds buildings, surrounded by infectious zombies protecting them.

Military Strongholds serve as bases for the Queen’s elite forces.

Alliances must first secure a Level 1 Stronghold to claim their initial territory and expand by seizing additional Military Strongholds.

Alliances can capture up to 2 military strongholds per day (limit on total amount of owned strongholds applies)


City capture features many bonuses, from buffs to Alliance influence points and most importantly rewards.

To declare war on a city, an alliance must control at least one adjacent Military Stronghold.


Capturing Cities increases Alliance influence points and each owned City provides a different amount based on its level:

  • Level 1: 100 k
  • Level 2: 200 k
  • Level 3: 300 k
  • Level 4: 400 k
  • Level 5: 500 k
  • Level 6: 1 M

You can check your Alliance Influence Points amount clicking on the Season 1 Event icon season 1 icon right above the duel VS icon, then on the Season 1 banner and then Leaderboard button.

City and Military Stronghold capture – Alliance territory

At season start all alliances are stranded on the edge of the server, with no owned city.
Cities and Military stronghold are now called Alliance territory in general, and your goal is to expand your territory to increase your Alliance Influence.

An Alliance’s territory must be connected to the target city to declare war on, through Military Strongholds owned territories.

You can see your strongholds and cities going to Alliance -> Alliance City, where also their limits are shown.

After latest updates the limit of city is now 4 while the screenshot has old limit shown.

Strongholds capture rules

  • Alliances can capture up to 2 military strongholds per day (this limit is separated from the city capture daily limit)
  • The Alliance needs to capture any Lv.1 stronghold to get the first piece of Alliance territory and expand the Alliance territory by continuously capturing Military strongholds
  • The prerequisite to capture a Military stronghold is to own an adjacent stronghold
  • The initial limit of owned strongholds is 3.
  • For every 1-5 level city captured, the Alliance’s Stronghold limit is increased +1.
  • For every 6 level city captured, the Alliance’s Stronghold limit is increased +2.
  • Capturing a Military Stronghold requires Virus Resistance
  • At the beginning of the season Stronghold are owned by the Crimson Legion and therefore they are guarded by the Corruptors and Infected Zombies. To capture the Stronghold both types of enemies need to be defeated.
  • Once a Stronghold is captured it enters a Protection Stage for 36 hours, and it cannot be captured by any other alliance for that period.
  • Once a Stronghold is captured by an alliance an army of Stronghold Defenders will appear (with their level proportional to the Stronghold level), and any alliance that wants to capture the Stronghold will need to defeat those Defenders before trying to capture the Stronghold (notification of attack on defenders will appear as an attack to the allies)

Before first capture:

After an alliance capture:

Military Stronghold capture rewards

Once a Military Stronghold is captured all Alliance members will receive rewards by mail (only on first capture of stronghold).

If you participated in the capture (participating or starting at least a rally against the corruptor) you will receive also the participation rewards.

City capture rules

  1. Alliances can declare war on up to 2 cities per day (this limit is separated from the city capture daily limit).
  2. An Alliance’s territory must be connected to the target city to declare war on, through Military Strongholds owned territories.
  3. Each alliance can only declare war on one City at a time
  4. The duration of the war declaration is 1 hour
  5. In its own Warzone, an Alliance can capture up to 4 Cities
  6. During the season, Alliances can also capture up to 4 Cities in other Warzones (not per warzone, it is 4 in total across all other warzones. So in total you can have 4 cities in your warzone+ 4 cities across other warzones for a maximum amount of 8 cities)
  7. After capturing a City, the maximum number of Military Strongholds the Alliance can hold in the target war zone increases (check previous paragraph)
  8. Declaring war on a city requires the Alliance to have captured at least one adjacent Military Stronghold
  9. After the city enters the war protection status, the time lasts until 6 days later, 12:00 on the next Declaration Day Server Time

Capitol rules

The Alliance that captured the Capitol before the season event will continue to hold the Capitol, and will be able to use ministries/hats until day 28 of season 1 when the Capitol will be up to capture again.

City unlock schedule

  • Day 4 of the event: Lv. 1 cities open for war declaration
  • Day 7 of the event: Lv. 2 cities open for war declaration
  • Day 11 of the event: Lv. 3 cities open for war declaration
  • Day 14 of the event: Lv. 4 cities open for war declaration
  • Day 18 of the event: Lv. 5 cities open for war declaration
  • Day 21 of the event: Lv. 6 cities open for war declaration
  • Day 28 of the event: City of Apocalypse open for war declaration

Hero upgrades and weapons

Season 1 brings news regarding heroes and weapons, their availability differs in time.

Hero’s Return

If you didn’t manage to obtain a hero previously, now you can make up for it.

A new type of recruiting ticket will be available from season 1 start: Hero’s Return Ticket heroes return recruitment ticket.

With this recruiting ticket you will be able to obtain shards of most of the UR heroes right from the first day of season 1.

These tickets give the same point as Hero recruiting ticket during Arms race and Duel Vs.

Exclusive Weapons

In Season 1, every legendary hero comes with a unique Exclusive Weapon, though the availability times differ for each hero. To activate them you will need specific shards.

Exclusive weapons unlock new vehicle appearances and skills at levels 1,10,20 and 30.

Upgrading exclusive weapons significantly boost various attributes and increases the maximum levels of existing skills.

Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon Rocket Shadow

Using the Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass (starting at day 4 of season 1) you will be able to earn Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon Shards kimberly exclusive weapon shard that allow you to activate and upgrade the Rocket Shadow easily (else you can collect Universal Exclusive Weapon universal exclusive weapon shard shards to use, but they can be used only for upgrade and not for activation).

See all the details in this article about Kimberly’s Exclusive Rocket Shadow.

Mason upgrade to UR

The rumors are true, you will be able to upgrade Mason to hero ur.

Check out the event in Week 2: Hero Promotion for all the details

Infect Virus

Engaging with zombies exposes you to getting infected. You can build up virus resistance with the Virus Research Institute, but if it is not yet at certain level you end up getting infected among your troops. Returning troops can adversely affect the base with negative effects.

The Virus spreading is the RA Virus...

RA Virus

The RA Virus, also know as the Gift of Blood Spawn, comes from ancient insects preserved in amber. Throughout the generations, the Lady in Red‘s family have worked tirelessly to preserve this.

Each virus particle, merely 100 nanometers across, can multiply to 2000 in just an hour after infecting a human. Initial symptoms include fever, dry cough, and fatigue followed by a week of increased appetite and sever breathing difficulties as the body begins to mutate and become highly infectious.

Early mutants of the RA virus are less intelligent and uncontrollable. An upgraded version of the RA virus produces gel-like substance that encapsulates the infected, slowing their mutation. The longer this process, the smarter the infected become, sometimes even smarter than average humans.

After 5 years of hibernation, the Lady in Red evolved into the almighty Crimson Queen. Her intelligence an power far exceed our imagination.

Virus Stacks

When your troops get infected and they return to your base you start stacking up the infection.

The Infection Stacks goes from 0 to 100 ( 0 means not infected, 100 is the maximum level).
Even if you attack more infected monsters or you are attacked by enemies you cannot go over 100.

The Virus infection stack is shown in an icon on top of the radar icon:

  • ra virus if you are not infected
  • virus stack positive if you are infected, and the number on the icon indicates the infection stacks value

If you click on the icon it shows you more details of the debuffs that apply and their severity, as shown in the picture on the right.

Infection Stack Logic

Each time you get infected the infection stacks increases.

You can get infected or increase your infection stacks if:

  • You attack a zombie that has a virus level higher than your Virus Resistance (the game will warn you about it)
  • You attack a Corruptor or an Infected Zombie, regardless of your Virus Resistance
  • You attack a World Boss such as Frankenstein, etc.
  • You get attacked by enemy troops that carry the virus

You will NOT get infected if:

  • You reinforce a base

When you see the image below on the top of the enemy attack display it means that regardless of your virus resistance you will get infected with additional infection stacks as described:

When certain infections stacks thresholds are reached (1,20,40,60,80) specific debuffs activate.

There are 5 types of debuffs (icons below the Stack thresholds), from left to right:

  1. Hospital Stay (activates with Stack >=1): Every (300 to 200 seconds) one unit becomes seriously injured
  2. Moral is low (activates with Stack >=20): Damage dealt is less effective ( -4% to -20%)
  3. Fatal Virus (activates with Stack >=40): Increased unit casualties rate in enemy (+4% to +10%)
  4. Severe Infection (activates with Stack >=60): Infection carried by troops increases by (11% to 15%) when they march out.
  5. Virus Plague (activates with Stack >=80): Your troops have a chance to infect the enemy even in defeat with probability of 8% to 10%

As you see each debuff has a range, meaning that the higher the infection stack is the worse the effect of the activated debuffs becomes.

Examples A:

Infection Stack = 1:

  • Debuff Hospital Stay activates: every 300 seconds one unit becomes seriously injured

Infection Stack = 8:

  • Debuff Hospital Stay activates: every 293 seconds one unit becomes seriously injured (lower amount of seconds is worse)

For each debuff you will see an icon as you see one for the shield and war fever, and if you click on one of them you will see the active debuffs intensity and duration:

In this case the base was infected with an Infection Stack = 100. This is the maximum you can get.

All 5 debuffs activated and with the severest intensity and duration.

Allies can send treatment as explained here with the airplane and it will have the following effect:

  • Reduce Infection Stack
  • Reduce proportionally intensity and duration of each debuff
  • If a debuff threshold is reached and the infection stack gets lower than that threshold then the corresponding debuff deactivates.

Time will reduce the debuffs intensity and duration.

Automatic Healing

If you don’t get more infected and no one heals you, you will slowly heal based on the debuffs timers and finally reach infection stack 0. But as you can see from the images above it can take quite some time.

So better to treat this virus immediately… let’s see how.


Treatments can reduce virus intensity, and overcoming other commanders can help spread the infection.

To treat an ally click on his base and then on the symbol cure, your airplane (similar to scout) will go and reduce the infection by 1. This will consume your immune protein count.

To be cured share your base location in your alliance chat and ask for being cured.

But here come the interesting part: For each healing you do you receive as reward a gene fragment (type IV,V or VI).

Check your mail -> Event section and claim your rewards

RA Virus Goals

You can get chest rewards the more infect / cure / spread virus activities you do. It seems there is no upper limit on how many rewards you can get, but the activities to gain those points consume stamina, so your limit is your stamina.

Virus Resistance

The Virus Resistance is very important now and you need to increase it continuously upgrading the Virus Research Institute. Doing so allows you to obtain numerous rewards as seen below.

To check your current Virus Resistance value:

  • Click on the Season 1 Event icon season 1 icon right above the duel VS icon
  • Click on the Season 1 banner on top
  • Click the “Goals” button

When you are attacking a zombie, in the information window it will tell you what amount of Virus resistance is needed. If it tells you that yours is not enough and you attack anyway then your troops will be infected.

Virus Boost

The latest servers also have a nice addition of Virus Boosts.

Game action

In this new world many dynamics change, let’s explore them focusing on how to kill zombies.

Damage debuff and unconditional infection

The first thing to know when attacking zombies now is that 2 new things can apply:

  • Damage reduction: if you attack a zombie with a higher virus level than your resistance level then you will cause less damage, the game will show you the % in the attack display
  • Unconditional infection: some enemies will infect you regardless of your virus resistance: corruptors, infected zombies, world boss. You will know this through the attack display as there is an info about the additional virus infection stack

The +1 RA virus molecule indicates that regardless of your virus resistance you will get infected with an infection stack +1.

Additionally here you can see that you don’t have enough virus resistance as the required is 6800, while you have 4200, so you should expect:

  • to get infected
  • that your attack has a damage debuff of -96% in this specific case

Zombie and doom elite

There is something new about the zombies food/iron/gold, now they have a type similar to the hero ones: tank, aircraft, missile vehicle.

Once you select the zombie to attack it will sow you the details.

In particular in this case, given the fact that the virus Resistance is lower than the virus the zombie has:

  • Once you hit the zombie you get infected
  • The damage you will cause is reduced by 18%, so before attacking make sure that your power is at least that amount higher (actually a bit more 😉 )

Also doom elites are different, they are gigantic infectious scorpions:

Effective rally against doom elite

You can see here that the Virus Resistance is 500/2200, so by yourself you will not be able to kill this zombie given the Damage Dealt -99,9%.

If you have a low virus resistance, given the huge Damage Dealt debuff, a rally against a doom elite will cause a huge loss of troops, regardless of success or defeat.

To avoid that, you can ask help from your allies:

  • Create a 1 hero squad, with the hero that has the lowest command attribute (so to bring along less troops)
  • Launch a rally on doom elite monsters, asking to participate to those that have enough Virus Resistance to be able to kill the zombie

With this approach you defeat the zombie and therefore you earn a lot of mutant crystals mutant crystal, with a minimum troop loss.

World Boss

The world bosses now change skin, but basically the same rules as before apply… except the fact that they will infect you with the virus when you hit them (it is a very mild infection in this case).

This is how the Frenzied Butcher appears now.


When you try to capture for the first time a Military Stronghold, you will have to face its guardian, a new strong enemy, the Corruptor.

They are really powerful, and remember that attacking them will always get you infected, regardless of your Virus Resistance.

Additionally damage debuff applies if your virus resistance is lower than their virus strength.

Infected Zombies

Corruptors are not the only guardians of Military Strongholds, there are also Infected Zombies.

These Zombies will infected you, regardless of your Virus Resistance.

Additionally damage debuff applies if your virus resistance is lower than their virus strength.

Dangerous auto-rally

The auto-rally can be dangerous in this new world, because you might be involved in rallies while you are offline that will infect you.

As it was suggested by many, and after some tests I made, I have to confirm that it is not possible to disable in any way the auto-rally feature for now. The settings “Ignore all-out attacks” does not solve this issue.

To solve this issue you can:

  • Send all troops to tiles to gather to avoid them to be included in rallies.

Anyway if your squad gets involved in an auto-rally it should only include 5 troops, so the troop loss is not too much but your infection stacks could increase a lot if involved in many rallies.

Attack and get infected

You can see that the zombie getting attacked requires a virus resistance of 600 while the attacker has only 300.

This causes the squad to get infected and once the squad is back at the base the Infection Stacks reaches level 10.

The first debuff applies with Hospital Stay: every 300s one unit will become seriously injured

Getting healed by allies

One you are infected your allies can help you reduce both virus stack strength and length.

Just share your coordinates within your alliance chat or wait for an allie to notice you are infected.

They will immediately send you treatments, and if they are enough you get healed completely.

Attacking bases

When infected, if you attack bases:

  • If the enemy base has no defense up, the base will receive the infection stack amount the squad is carrying
  • If the enemy base has defense up but has no troops left the infection stack will not be transmitted
  • If the enemy base has defense up and has troops left the infections stack the attacking squad carries will be transmitted.

In this video a squad carrying an infection stack of 3 attacks a base that has already an infection stack of 3. After the attack it is incremented to 6.

Season Alliance Milestones

Season 1 re-introduces milestones, as the ones we saw at the beginning stages of the game.

You can access the Milestones and claim rewards going to Alliance -> Season Milestones.

Season 1 Passes

During Season 1 you have access to multiple passes that will help you throughout the season and to power up your heroes.

  • Season Battle Pass
  • Weekly Pass
  • Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass
  • DVA’s Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass
  • Tesla’s Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass

Season Battle Pass

The Season Battle Pass lasts 48 days and it gives you lots of goods that you absolutely need in this new Season 1 to start with an advantage.

The Season Battle Pass is structured in 3 tiers:

  • Freebie
  • Game Season Advanced ~11,99 €
  • Game Season Luxury ~23,99 €

Main items for which the Advanced Pass is worth having it:

  • Multiplier on Freebie items, so lots of Golden shards , Profession EXP , mutant crystals mutant crystal, Hero’s return Tickets heroes return recruitment ticket
  • S1 Skill Points : Use it to gain 1 Profession skill point. This item can be used 10 times. Once used fully it grants 10k Profession EXP
  • Lucky Chests: Ore and Gear
  • Diamonds

Main items for which the Luxury Pass is worth having it:

  • Profession Change Certificate : It allows you to switch among engineer and warlord, it resets and refunds all Profession skill points
  • Profession Skill Reset Book : resets current profession skills and refunds points
  • Permanent Crimson Memories Nameplate : +1000 Hero HP
  • Doubles items of Advanced Pass

Clearly, the Profession and hero items are very nice, but one of the best part of the 2 additional tiers is the huge amount of mutant crystals you will get.
They will allow you to progress very fast in upgrading Protein Farms and the Virus Research Institute, giving you a change to be the first one to fight the most infectious zombies and winning.

Weekly Pass

You will be able to purchase this pass during the whole season (48 days).

Once purchased it will last for 7 days. During these 7 days you will have access to the exclusive fifth Protein Farm.

Totally available:

  • Extra Protein Farm: while the weekly pass is active it will produce immune proteins. This feature will expire with the pass.
  • Instant +250 Virus Resistance bonus. This bonus will expire with the pass.
  • Marching Speed. This bonus will expire with the pass.
  • 20k Mutant Crystals
  • 500 VIP Points
  • Daily:
    • 50 stamina
    • 20k Mutant Crystals
    • 60 5m generic speed-ups

Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass

This pass lasts 7 days and starts at day 4 of week 1 of season 1.

The goal of this pass is to give you access to Kimberly shards but more importantly to Kimberly Exclusive Weapon Shards.
In fact Kimberly has a new dedicate weapon.

It is possible to activate Kimberly’s new exclusive weapon ONLY using dedicated Kimberly’s weapon shards, universal weapon shards can only be used to upgrade the level of the weapon after activation.

Check out more about Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon

Shards rewards

Totally available:

  • 1 Epic Chest Alliance
  • 30 Kimberly Shards
  • 4 Skill Medal Lucky Chest
  • 4 Legendary Resource Choice Chest
  • 70 Kimberly Exclusive Weapon Shard
  • 16 Epic Resource Choice Chest
  • 7k Skill medals

DVA’s Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass

This pass lasts 7 days and starts at day 4 of week 3.

It is possible to activate DVA’s new exclusive weapon ONLY using dedicated DVA’s weapon shards, universal weapon shards can only be used to upgrade the level of the weapon after activation.

Totally available:

  • 1 Epic Chest Alliance
  • 30 DVA Shards
  • 4 Skill Medal Lucky Chest
  • 4 Legendary Resource Choice Chest
  • 70 DVA Exclusive Weapon Shard
  • 16 Epic Resource Choice Chest
  • 7k Skill medals

Tesla’s Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass

This pass lasts 7 days and starts at day 4 of week 6.

It is possible to activate Tesla’s new exclusive weapon ONLY using dedicated Tesla’s weapon shards, universal weapon shards can only be used to upgrade the level of the weapon after activation.

Check out more about Tesla’s Exclusive Weapon

Totally available:

  • 1 Epic Chest Alliance
  • 30 Tesla Shards
  • 4 Skill Medal Lucky Chest
  • 4 Legendary Resource Choice Chest
  • 70 Tesla Exclusive Weapon Shard
  • 16 Epic Resource Choice Chest
  • 7k Skill medals

Season Quests

The Quests section quests (icon above Heroes button) gets enhanced with newly added season main and secondary Tasks.

This addition is quite important because the main rewards are mutant crystals mutant crystal.

The logic is the same as the daily quest missions you are used to since the beginning of the game.

Below an example of current tasks:

Season 1 Rewards

Two types of rewards will be distributed at the end of Season 1:

  • Alliance Rewards
  • Warzone Rewards

Alliance Rewards

There are 4 Alliance Rewards tiers:

  • Gold
  • Purple
  • Blue
  • Green

The conditions to be able to achieve a tier depends on the final status of Influence Points at the end of week 7. Only one tier reward is rewarded for each Alliance.

Gold Alliance Rewards


  • Alliance Influence Rank N.1
  • Own 4 Level 6 Cities

Purple Alliance Rewards


  • Alliance Influence Exceeds 8.000.000
  • Own 3 Level 6 Cities

Blue Alliance Rewards


  • Alliance Influence Exceeds 4.000.000

Green Alliance Rewards


  • Alliance Influence Exceeds 1.000.000

Warzone Influence Rewards

Based on your Alliance ranking of Influence points inside your own Warzone there are additional rewards as shown below and you will receive them via mail.

Season Merit Medals

Season merit medals season merit medal that are given with the Season Rewards stay in your inventory even after Season 1 end and you can use them at Season 2 end. Also the season store will stay always available, so no rush in using the medals

Season 1: The Crimson Plague timeline

Season 1 is accessible clicking on the Season 1 Event icon season 1 icon right above the duel VS icon.

It is composed by the following elements, some of them will appear later on:

  • Main Timeline
    • Week 1 to Week 8
  • Season Events (a short list of them available in week 1, each week more will appear)
    • Purge Action
    • Purge the Polluted Area
    • Genetic Recombination
    • City Clash S1
    • Crimson Legion
  • Passes
    • Weekly Pass
    • Season Battle Pass
    • Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass

Clicking on the main Season: 1 banner allows you to access the structure of this season.
Specifically you will see the season be divided in 8 weeks. Clicking on the corresponding Week button, you will be able to see each week’s missions (check following sections for each week details).

Additionally, season events are visible in this section, some of them will become active when the corresponding mission in the corresponding week is unlocked. Other have their own activation timer.


Clicking on Goals you will find both individual and alliance missions to respectively earn rewards for:

  • Increasing your Virus Resistance
  • Alliance capturing Military Strongholds




  1. Can we add a spot to the top of the page indicating recent changes and last updates?

    • cristian

      Thanks, that’s a good idea, but a lot of work considering how many updates I do daily. I will try to do it 🙂

      • K

        do you have any information pertaining to the hall and what the professions are. Would love to know what I am suppose to be picking and why and anything else pertaining to it.

    • Kc

      This update for the game.. Is total BS. Money making scheme… Basically it resets all people’s hard work. Destroys everything ppl have spent their money on. It basically highjacks your normal game for more than a month.

      It’s a shame. I liked this game.

      • Venky

        Really? Can you share the resets that happen at the end of the event? I have upgraded my hero powers with the tank/missile/aircraft base. I have also increased my training speedup and more through profession skill points. Won’t these stay at the end of the event?

        • cristian

          In the survey that was published yesterday devs are asking if people want to keep the tank/missile/aircraft powerup bases, so maybe something will change. As for now I know that season buildings will be removed, season skills (the ones on the right in your profession career with green background) will be reset and you will get back the skill points. Map should reset, as it would not make sense to have strongholds and cities as they are now (but it was not explicitly said by devs/staff).

  2. Yshibi

    Hello, Any information about professional hall yet ? we just started the season on our server and we would like advises on that part. Thanks and great job !!

    • cristian

      Hi, thank you very much. I am still working on that part, I might start posting something about it in the next couple of days.

      • k

        I came to this site for this information as well, would love more information and better understanding to the professional hall and all that pertains to it.

  3. Pharotek

    Who ever the creator is of this, you good sir/Lady need to get good Samaritan of the year award fock me this is EPIC!

    • cristian

      🤣 Thanks, I am happy you like it.

      • Joe

        Being stacked up with virus, will that help against crimson army waves when they attack our cities/strongholds?

        • cristian

          I don’t think it helps, I found no rules about it.

    • HeidePark

      Ich hab eine Frage zu den Kimberly-Waffensplittern.
      Leider habe ich verpasst den Pass zu kaufen. Gibt es noch eine andere Möglichkeit an die Splitter zu kommen oder hab ich das nun für alle Zeiten versäumt? Das wäre ja reichlich ärgerlich.

      • cristian

        I think it will come again as pack in the future, but I haven’t seen it yet

  4. Madlifethecow

    Bro, this guide and overview is craz. Thank you for all of this.

    • cristian

      Thanks, you are welcome! I will add many more guides, this is just the beginning 🙂

  5. DaddyDeads

    Can you expand more on influence, Capitol war, and warzone king? I’m trying to understand more about the ultimate goal of influence in relation to the post on the official discord. Thank you for your hard work!

    • cristian

      Thanks, I will as soon as I have enough information.

      • DaddyDeads

        Set you a few coffees for the trouble, friend!

        • cristian

          Thank you very much 🙂

  6. peachychelle

    I’m not sure if the guide says anything about this, but does the alliance that holds the capital at time of reset for the new season stay in power? Also, this guide is great!

    • cristian

      Yes, the alliance that holds capitol at season 1 start will hold it for 28 days until the city clash event unlocks the capitol to be conquered again

  7. Sneakerhead

    The amount of work that went into this is noticed and appreciated!! This looks like a wild update.

    • cristian

      Thanks, it is a lot of work to keep up… and all this was just in 1 week out of 8 week missions/events

  8. Andy

    Could you give some insight on how weapons shards for kimberly drop of you do not buy the pass?

    • cristian

      For now I only saw Kimberly’s weapon specific shards in Season Battle Pass and in one of those deals that show up when you start the game specific for Kimberly. But you can use also universal weapon shards that can be found at least in duel VS chests

      • cristian

        It seems that you can use universal weapon shards to level up exclusive weapons but you can’t use those shards to Activate the weapons. So I think the only way for now it to buy those passes that include Kimberly’s weapon specific shards

  9. HellRagerR

    No me queda claro cómo inicia esta temporada en cuanto al avance que llevas, tus héroes, armas, tropas y avance general que has hecho y que te ha costado tiempo y dinero. Ojalá pudieras ampliar en ese tema.

    • cristian

      [ADMIN Translate]: It is not clear to me how this season begins in terms of the progress you have made, your heroes, weapons, troops and general progress that you have made and that has cost you time and money. I wish you could expand on that topic.

      All the things you bought are still there and will be there. People complain because now there is need to have Virus Resistance to do things so it is not enough to be powerful. But remember that this season will end after 8 weeks and things will change. So basically you don’t lose anything, you just have opportunity to do things if you get Virus Resistance high.

  10. Dina

    This maybe a silly question but during Crimson Plague is there still alliance duel or do we get a break from that at least lol?

    • cristian

      There is going to be Duel VS, and so many other things, check the other articles with the event, especially week 4 in which war across warzones start.

  11. Sabine

    Erstmal vielen Dank für deine tolle Arbeit.
    Für mich wäre interessant,ob es eine zweite Saison gibt.

    • cristian

      There is talks about season 2, as developers asked for which SSR Hero we would like the UR promotion, but nothing more was said.

  12. Bör

    Wie kann man eigentlich mehr als 10.000 Resistenz erreichen? Denn ab Lvl58 haben die Elite ebenfalls mehr als 10.000 Viruslast

    • cristian

      You can only reach 10.250 if you also buy the weekly pass. You can’t go over it, and there are doom elites with 10.500 Virus resistance.

  13. Aaron

    What happens if a member leaves an alliance during season 1? I have heard some say you lose your season buildings?

    • cristian

      Nothing happens. Season buildings remain.

  14. warrior

    Do the tanks around captured strongholds have any significance? Capture time or anything?

    • cristian

      They are there to protect the strongholds. If you want to capture a stronghold you first have to kill all of them, while you do so the owner of that stronghold gets notified of those attacks, given that alliance time to send reinforcements

  15. Stephanie

    At what server age does Crimson Plague begin?

    • cristian

      There is no rule on that yet… In 10 days server 298 will have it. Devs are deciding these timelines now as they are receiving feedback on how season 1 is appreciated.

  16. DaddyDeads

    Can you remark on what happens at the end of settlement/week 8? We’re going into our final Saturday in week 7 and I’d like to prepare accordingly for after.

      • DaddyDeads

        Yes, but AFTER that. Are we going back to the before map and/or is it known what happens between seasons yet. You seem to be at least a week ahead of my server right now with your info.

        • cristian

          I will provide detailed information here once week 8 ends.

      • Cheesecake

        Do you get kills that go to your total count from outposts?

        • cristian

          I think all kills you do in the game count towards your total kill. I am only not sure about Desert/Winter storm, if they count as kills

  17. Александр

    что останется в рюкзаке после обнуления и наступления первого сезона?

  18. 4ceKar

    Hi Cristian

    Amazing work so far.
    Any post regarding the new builder mode released today in some servers? No idea if it was available before on the first servers.

    • cristian

      Hi, I don’t have any account in which that mode was published so I don’t have info about this, but I will see if I can find something and share it 🙂

  19. Stef1368

    Oui, super travail c’est excellent…!!!
    Et de même cette capacité a devenir alliance constructrice semble bien pour une petite alliance mais c’est très difficile de savoir quoi faire pour faire au mieux….rien n’est précisé dans le jeu quand au déroulement…ou succinct et après première construction, c’est opaque!

    • cristian

      I hope I will be able to add more info about the builder mode soon.

  20. Frank

    What happens to your troops if you explode from the virus?

    • cristian

      Sorry I don’t know, this feature was not available when I played Season 1, maybe someone else will answer

      • KyleLand

        I just wanna take the time to thank you for writing this and the making so many updates. I use this as if it was the Bible. Thank you for doing this.

        • cristian

          Thanks, I am happy it helps 🙂

  21. reree

    What exactly server age to be start this event “season”?. I’m new player to this game, and when i see ur guide is absolutely insane and helpful to me to know what should to do and what should to avoided as nwbie, and i curious about this event ‘season’, like when to start it on my server. Right now the server i play is still 26 days age. Many thanks for ur answer, keep encourage us with ur guide sir^^

    • cristian

      Hi, thanks. It will take still a while before you reach season 1. It should be after 120 days, so get strong because Season 1 is a huge challenge. Have fun

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