Season 2 – Week 8 – End of Season 2, Taste of Victory

In this article all missions of Season 2 week 8 will be explained, but most importantly you will find information about the End of the Season 2

🧊 Season 2 – Polar Storm guides are divided into more articles to keep these guides mobile friendly:


Week 8

There are 2 missions in the seventh week, they unlock at different times.

All missions share the fact that they have:

  • a reward chest goal, that is an activity performed by the whole warzone to accumulate points to unlock the reward chest. Once this goal is completed the mission goal is unlocked (unless specified otherwise)
  • a mission goal that is the expected outcome and progression in the game (some of them are paired with a season event of the season)

Week8-01: Taste of Victory

This mission will start day 1 of Week8 and it will last for 7 days
The reward chest is immediately available.

Mission goal

It’s time to relax and finally obtain the more than deserved rewards.

There are 2 types of rewards in this event:

  • Alliance Rewards that can be distributed by R5 and the Butler, same as it was in Season 1
  • Faction Rewards you will receive in the mail.
Alliance Rewards

This is the page through which Rewards can be assigned.

All rewards must be assigned, once all are assigned a distribution button will appear and it will let the R5 execute the actual distirubtion of the rewards.

Please note: you can invite people from outside of your alliance to give them rewards but each player will be able to receive only 1 season reward, so hopping from one alliance to another and trying to get more rewards is useless.

For all rewards information check this section of the Season 2 overview.

Faction Rewards

Faction rewards received via mail.

To receive Faction Rewards you High-Heat Furnace needs to be level 20 or above.

Reward chest goal

10 Alliances completed the reward distribution

End of Season 2 – Settlement Period

At the beginning of Week 8 you will receive a mail with the following content:

The main points are:

  • No more Dig Site and City Captures
  • The map will remain frozen to the season 2 until further notice, it is not possible to capture cities.
  • All season related resource as Coal, Titanium Alloy and Dog Food ingredients will be cleared (converted into profession exp) so use them.
  • No more teleport among warzones
  • No more Dog feeding event accessible

Day 7 of Week 8 the following things happen:

  • Season 2 icon disappears and so access to all its menu
  • All items regarding Season 2 in the Alliance menu disappear (Season Milestones, etc.)
  • Season Specific resources Coal, Titanium Alloy disappear from HUD
  • Season Specific buildings disappear (this time the fact that Military bases disappear will not affect your squad power as it happened in Season 1)
  • Hero’s Return Recruiting and New Era Tickets disappears but the tickets will be saved in the inventory under the hero section for the future season
  • Radar missions don’t reward season specific items any more (coal, titanium alloy) and season specific radar missions will not be available any more
  • You receive a mail with season specific items being converted into Profession EXP
    • Coal
    • Titanium Alloy
    • Dog Food ingredients
  • Doom Elites are back to normal
  • World zombies go back to normal
  • Fields and iron/gold mines of level 11/12 disappear
  • No access to view other warzones any more
  • Professions:
    • Season Specific Skills are disabled and you get refunded the Skill Points used on them
    • Level cap is still 70 even during Season 2 Celebration

Additionally you will receive these 2 mails the last day of Season 2


  1. k

    End of Season 2 – Settlement Period. In the mail it say coal alloy and dog food is profession xp, but in your highlight you write its speedups. What is correct?

    • cristian

      My bad, usually items are converted in speed ups that’s why I did that error, but at Season ends they get converted in profession xp. I will fix the error in the article, thanks for letting me know.

  2. Anonymous

    Hi, the secret supplies option, when does it lapse?

    • cristian

      Are you referring to the supply collections (the random treasures)? They are not available in week 8 any more as far as I know.

  3. Josh

    Season buildings never increased up my power as first season

    • cristian

      It is meant to be that way in Season 2. Season buildings in Season 2 will not increase your squad power but it will increase the damage the corresponding heros do. Click on your HQ, click on the stats symbol, go to combat tab, scroll down to find for example “Tank Hero Damage Increase”, in the last row you will see the buff listed.

  4. Mohd

    Is the cool down period to leave an alliance and join other will stay 24 hours during season 2 settlement period or it will be reduced?

    • cristian

      If you mean in season 2 celebration then it should be no, there will be no cool down period. But anyway when you click the “Abandon Alliance” button a popup will give you a warning of what will happen and there you will find if a cooldown will apply.

  5. Çukurova

    Kahraman seviye değiştirme kaçıncı haftada etkin olacak göremedim açıklamada

  6. Anonymous

    At the end of Season 2, Titanium Alloy will be converted to Professional Experience. What is the conversion rate in terms of Alloy:Experience?

    • cristian

      There is conversion rate written anywhere and I couldn’t figure it out. My suggestion: use seasonal resources as much as you can to level up seasonal buildings as it seems that this gives you the highest return for professional experience.

  7. Lore

    Can you still make Violet UR in week 8 or ends in week 7 together with the polar dishes?

    • cristian

      All season tiles in the season menu vanish, only the rewards one remains in week 8. So week 7 is the last opportunity

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