In this article all missions of Season 3 week 2 will be explained.
☀️ Season 3 – Golden Kingdom guides are divided into more articles to keep these guides mobile friendly:
- Season 3 – Main Overview
- Season 3 – The Ultimate Strategy Guide
- Season 3 – Desert Artifacts Locations: Level 1, Level 2 , Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6&7
- Weeks guides: Week 1 , Week 2, Week 3 , Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7
- Season 3 – Tricks/Cheats
Week 2
There are 6 main missions in the second week, they unlock at different times.
All missions share the fact that they have:
- a reward chest goal, that is an activity performed by the whole warzone to accumulate points to unlock the reward chest. Once this goal is completed the mission goal is unlocked (unless specified otherwise)
- a mission goal that is the expected outcome and progression in the game (some of them are paired with a season event of the season)

Week2-01: Oasis Project

This mission will start day 1 of Week2
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.
Mission goal
There is no specific mission goal in this event, but you can try to win the Greenification Ranking.
Greenification Ranking
Clicking on the upper right leaderboard icon on the event you can access the Greenification Ranking, the more tiles you convert to green the higher the score.

Reward chest goal
Total lands greened in your warzone 100.000

Week2-02: Archaeology & Digging

This mission will start day 1 of Week2 and lasts 42 days.
Both reward chest is immediately available, the mission goal needs to be unlocked with the progress bar.
Mission goal
Smash stones to find hidden treasures!
Once the progress bar is filled through donations, the Desert Treasure tile in the Season event becomes accessible.
In server #22 it took 20 hours to unlock this mission and it was not possible to do any action in it until the day after because you need to collect hammers (day 2 week 2)

- Once the event begins, commanders can enter the desert treasure page and pick a vault to enter.
- Vaults have a time limit. When the time expires, the vault disappears.
- Inside, use Archaeologist Hammers to break stones. Breaking stones may reveal traces of ancient relics.
- Fully clearing stones from a relic activates it.
- Vaults are divided into individual and alliance types. In personal vaults, activating all relics grants the vault rewards.
- In alliance vaults, breaking the stones covering a relic earns the corresponding relic reward. Each member of the alliance is allowed to break one stone.
- Commanders can ask allies for help in personal vaults. Each player has a daily limit on how many stones can be broken with help.

Desert Vault
Click on a Vault to access it.
Once inside you can use hammer items to break stones.
You need to be smart to use a low amount of hammers, there is no need to break all stones, it’s like the Battleship game.
Vault rewards example:

Uncover relics using hammers clicking on each stone.

Once all the relics are collected you can open the vault clicking on it

How to get hammers:
- Visitors
- Desert Bazaar
Daily visitor

Deser Bazaar has limited weekly hammers

Help allies with their Vault
An ally can share in alliance chat a help request to dig the desert vault treasure:

Clicking on Go will bring you to your ally’s Vault where you can help uncover relics.
When you break a stone of an ally’s vault you also receive random items rewards.

Desert Compass
Desert Compass is an item you can purchase in Desert Bazaar (maybe it can be found later on in other ways), with which you can instantly discover an additional Desert Vault. Just use the item from the inventory and then you will find the Desert Vault in the Desert Treasure page.

Alliance Desert Compass
You can find Alliance Desert Compass in:
- Nr. 1 rewards in Purge Action event
- Nr. 1 rewards in Worm Expert event (called Sandworm Hunter in the Season tiles)
- as a rare radar mission reward
- as reward in higher level of Desert Ruins radar missions
This item allows you to reveal an Alliance Vault in which all Alliance members can participate.

Alliance Vault
Using and Alliance Desert Compass will reveal the Alliance Vault.
This Vault is designed to be cooperative and the whole alliance needs to help discover relics.

Reward chest goal
All warzones work together to donate a total of 5 M coin

Based on the amount donated by each player there is an individual donation ranking with rewards

Week2-03: Return of the Dead

This mission will start day 1 of Week2 and it will last 19 days
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.
Mission goal
Scarlett’s daring raid on Noah’s Monument of the Dead bought us precious time, but the threat is far from over. Noah has discovered new sources of power, growing even stronger by the day. Now, waves of mummies are rising from the sands, creating a fresh and terrifying challenge.
We have every reason to believe Noah’s next move will be a large-scale assault on our bases and allies. To withstand this impending storm, we must act now. Strengthen our defenses, prepare our forces, and brace for the battle ahead.
This event is similar to Crimson Legions and Beast Crisis, but the targets of the enemy are the precious Alliance Center. Reinforce them and withhold the mummies’ attacks.
Once the event begins, Desert Bosses will lead armies to attack the Alliance Center every Tuesday and Friday at 11:30.
A warning will be issued before the Desert Bosses’ attack, so Alliance members can prepare for it. At reset the attack is announced so you have 11:30 hours to prepare for it.
Successfully defending against the attacks earns rewards. More waves defended means better rewards.
If your defense fails, the Desert Bosses will damage the Alliance Center (You can still earn rewards for each successfully defended wave that follows). Once the Alliance Center’s durability drops to 0, it will turn into ruins, and you won’t be able to collect rewards from future waves.
If there’s a warning and the Alliance has no Alliance Center or it’s already ruined, it’s a defense failure, and no rewards are given.
During the attacks, the Alliance Center can be relocated, but the enemy’s target will not change. Failure to defeat the waves of the Desert Bosses will result in defense failure.

Defending the Alliance Center
The Mummies will attack in waves, 30 waves with increasing power and with delay of 1 minute each. The whole attack lasts more than 30 minutes.
In this video you can see some attacks of the mummies, how the rewards become available and the power of the attacks.
The more wave your alliance endures the more rewards you can claim, regardless if you participated directly in the reinforcements.

Reward chest goal
All warzones work together to convert 100.000 units by helping allies

Week2-04: City Unlocks Town (Level 3)

This mission will start day 3 of Week2.
The reward chest goal is immediately available, the mission goal is delayed by 12 hours.
Mission goal
The main goal of the mission is to capture Level 3 cities, it is delayed by 12 hours.
Check out the whole Season 3 City capture schedule in City Clash S3.
Reward chest goal
All warzones work together to Capture 10 Digging Strongholds in total

Week2-05: City Unlocks Temple of the Sun (Level 4)

This mission will start day 6 of Week2.
The reward chest goal is immediately available, the mission goal is delayed by 12 hours.
Mission goal
The main goal of the mission is to capture Level 4 cities, it is delayed by 12 hours.
Check out the whole Season 3 City capture schedule in City Clash S3.
Reward chest goal
All warzones work together to kill 100000 enemy units from other warzone.

Week2-06: Trade Post Available

This mission will start day 7 of Week2.
The reward chest goal is immediately available, the mission goal is delayed by 12 hours.
Mission goal
The main goal of the mission is to capture Trade Posts. Starting from this moment commanders can invade other warzones.
Read more about them in the Trade Posts section.
Reward chest goal
All warzones work together to kill 2000 Doom elites

Additional event: Hero Swap
This might be the best event ever in Last War: finally you will be able to swap both EXP level and STARS of a hero.
This event is available starting from day 2 of week 2.
You will get 2 swap tickets.

In this video a whole walk-through of the Hero Swap feature, I will swap Violet and Stetmann and show all the impacts.
Some important notes:
- You can ONLY swap
heroes. So you are not able for example to swap Elsa with DVA.
- You can swap
that were upgrade to
with other
Pour commencer merci pour toutes ces infos régulières.
Petite question : quand tu dis Masson contre DVA impossible d’échanger. Tu considères Masson SSR ou UR ?
Si on a Masson et Violet UR sera-t-il possible de les échanger ?
Hi, that’s actually a nice question. I checked with FANTA that has Mason UR in early servers and it appears as a choice if it is UR. I will fix the guide. Thanks
If Violet was promoted in S2 to UR, and currently has a Wall of Honor level of 35, and was used during the S3 Hero Swap event, would the 350 purple shards associated with Wall of Honor be used to help her get back to 5 stars once the swap is complete? Or would she drop to whatever the star level was of the swapped hero – and the 350 remain on the Wall?
I haven’t been able to test it. But the rules say that if you swap a hero that has a wall of honor level of 35, that wall of honor (and its buffs) will remain unchanged, and the hero goes to whatever star level the other hero had.
So in your case: no, the shards used to reach wall of honor level 35 will not be refunded and they will not be used to bring Violet back to 5 stars.
Violet will go to the star level the other hero had and if you want to increase further the wall of honor you must first bring her back to 5 star.
Will prior season Hero Swap Vouchers be able to be used for this event with the same abilities? Or will those vouchers be limited to the conditions present when they were received?
Yes you can use previous swap exp vouchers for this event with the new feature and new conditions.