Season 2 – Celebration – The Age of Oil

At the end of 🧊 Season 2 – Polar Storm the game will enter an off-season phase, during which Season 2 – Celebration will begin, the day after the conclusion of Season 2, and it will continue for 5 weeks.

A few things change during this period, let’s see all the details.


Celebration Timeline

Season 2 Celebration will last 5 weeks and it is structured similarly to Season 1 and Season 2 with events.

The first 4 weeks, the main Event “The Age of Oil” will have some missions and each mission will have:

  • reward chest goal, that is an activity performed by the whole warzone to accumulate points to unlock the reward chest. Once this goal is previouslycompleted the mission goal is unlocked (unless specified otherwise)
  • mission goal that is the expected outcome and progression in the game
  • Some missions also have a ranking challenge identified by the symbol leaderboard events on the upper right corner of the mission section. You can rank higher in those challenge executing the actions needed to fill the progress bar of the reward chest goal.

The last week of Season 2 Celebration will be only a continuation of previously started events, specifically Champion Duel.

The Story

Walkthrough video – Day 1 of Season 2 Celebration

Here a simple walkthrough of Season 2 Celebration menu. It is very similar to what we are used to with Season 1 and Season 2.

This video was recorded the moment Season 2 Celebration started, on tuesday (now it starts on monday in newer servers).

Week 1

There are 3 missions in the first week, they unlock at different times.
Additionally there is also the Transfer Surge – Server transfer event.

Week 1-01: Unlock Tech: The Age of Oil

This mission will start day 1 of Week1.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

The primary objective is to unlock the new tech tree, The Age of Oil.
After the reward chest goal (progress bar) is filled, the new tech tree becomes available in your Tech Center to those that have Tech center at level 30 and completed at least the 40% of the “Special Forces” researches.

Maximum priority to:

  • Do all researches to unlock and upgrade the oil well
  • Upgrade the oil well to level 30 to generate the highest amount possible per hour
The Age of Oil Tech

In the image of your tech center you can see that now The Age of Oil category is available.

IMPORTANT: the requirement to be able to access this new tech tree is to have “Special Forces” at least at 40% (it changed from 80%) and the tech center at level 30

Here a very nice breakdown of all levels of researches:

Let’s now take a look at the tech tree and to all the new features it brings

In this first part the most interesting researches:

  • New Building: Oil Well
  • Builder speed increase
  • Research speed increase
  • 3rd Tech Center
New Building: Oil Well

The first research of the new tech tree is “Unlock Oil Well” that will unlock the new building.

This new building will produce the new resource that is Oil oil

Here the cost to bring the oil well to level 30 (base values, to which you can apply your buffs):

LevelFoodIronGoldOil OutputTimeMax production time
TOTAL212 M638 M137 M49 days

Food/Iron/Coin Output

Boost Oil well output and Builder/Research speed increase
New Building: 3rd Tech Center

As you can see this research also requires the new resource type: Oil oil

The second part of the researches:

Units training and healing, boost oil well output

Additional Oil Wells

Training and healing costs

Last part of the tech tree:

  • Drone Parts Shop
  • HQ level cap raised to level 35
New Building: Drone Parts Workshop
Boost Oil Well output
HQ level cap raised to 35

Thanks to this research it is finally possible to level up the HQ up to level 35, and therefore also all the other buildings.

Check the Buildings – HQ Level 31-35 Requirments section to find out the building and resource requirements to level up the HQ to levels 31-35.

Research path and cost for HQ Expansion Lv1 is also available in Buildings – HQ Level 31-35 Requirments section.

New resource: Oil

A new resource is available and can be earned with the reward chest goals: Oil oil.

This new resource is needed to start some researches of The Age of Oil tech tree as you can see in the research requirements.

Research Ranking

Clicking on the upper right leaderboard icon leaderboard events on the event you can access the Research Ranking, the more researches you do the higher the ranking.

Reward chest goal

A total of 500 Tech Research has been completed in this Warzone.

Week 1-02: Unlock Stage: Base Expansion II

This mission will start day 2 of Week1 (Tuesday).
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

With this mission you can expand your base further as a new part of the map in your base appears.

The best part of it is that, as you can see in the picture, there are some Oil rewards clearing those areas.

Construction Ranking

Clicking on the upper right leaderboard icon leaderboard events on the event you can access the Construction Ranking, the more constructions you do the higher the ranking.

Reward chest goal

A total of 500 Building Upgrades has been completed in this Warzone.

Week 1-03: Hero Mobilization

This mission will start day 2 of Week1 (Tuesday).
Reward chest is immediately available

Mission goal

There is no specific mission goal in this event, but you can try to win the Recruiting Ranking.

Recruiting Ranking

Clicking on the upper right leaderboard icon leaderboard events on the event you can access the Recruiting Ranking, the more recruiting you do the higher the ranking.

Reward chest goal

A total of 1000 Heroes have been recruited in the tavern in this Warzone

Additional Event Week 1 – Transfer Surge – Server transfer

IMPORTANT: This event was suspended, waiting for improvement devs are doing after all the feedback they received after testing this on servers #3-22

Starting day 4 of Week1 the Transfer Surge event starts, and it will allow people to transfer to a different warzone, the the long-awaited:

Here an overview of the event detail page

I will create a dedicated guide for this feature soon.

Week 2

There are 3 missions in the second week, they unlock at different times.

Additional events in week 3:

Day 4 of week 2, exclusive weapon shards of exclusive weapons of Season 2 will become available in the Daily sales

Week 2-01: Unlock Radar Task: Dripper

This mission will start day 1 of Week2.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

Commanders with HQ 27+ can use the new radar tasks.

Radar Task Ranking

Clicking on the upper right leaderboard icon leaderboard events on the event you can access the Radar Task Ranking, the more radar tasks you do the higher the ranking.

Reward chest goal

A total of 5000 Radar Tasks have been completed in this Warzone

Week 2-02: Full Mobilization

This mission will start day 1 of Week2.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

Commanders with HQ 27+ can start new secret oil tasks

Secret Task Ranking

Clicking on the upper right leaderboard icon leaderboard events on the event you can access the Secret Task Ranking, the more secret tasks you do the higher the ranking.

Reward chest goal

A total of 1000 Secret tasks have been completed in this Warzone

Week 2-03: Trade Expansion

This mission will start day 1 of Week2.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

There is no specific mission goal in this event, but you can try to win the Truck Dispatch Ranking.

Truck Dispatch Ranking

Clicking on the upper right leaderboard icon leaderboard events on the event you can access the Secret Task Ranking, the more secret tasks you do the higher the ranking.

Reward chest goal

A total of 5000 Trucks have been dispatched in this Warzone

Additional Event 1 – Bingo Tasks

The event starts day 1 of week 2 and it will last 7 days. (in early servers it started week 3)

This Event structure is identical to the one from Season 1: Celebration.

The only changes are:

  • The rewards for clearing the row/column
  • The rewards for clearing the whole picture

You can see that these rewards now include oil instead of survivor recruitment tickets.

Here the complete list of the tasks, shown in the same order you see in the image above:

Execute Legendary Secret taks 8 times:

Train 3000 units:

Use 3000 min construction speed ups in total:

Recruit Heroes 30 Times:

Log in for 1 days:

Collect 200 Alliance Gifts:

Log in for 5 days

Gather 2m resources

Defeat any Doom Elite 20 times

Complete 100 radar tasks

Make 100 alliance donations

Use 3000 min tech research speed ups in total:

Help allies 200 times

Dispatch Trade Truck 10 times

Recruit Heroes 100 Times

Here a video in which I go through all tasks.

Additional Event 2 – Black Market

The Black Market starts day 1 of week 2 and it is identical in structure as the one from Season 1: Celebration (in early servers it started in week 3)

Some types of rewards change so here below you can find a video that goes through all of the types or rewards.

Complete walkthrough of the rewards available in Black Market

Additional Event 3 – Champion Duel

The Champion Duel will start day 1 of week 2 and it will last for 28 days. (in early servers it started in week 3)


Grand Celebration

Grand Celebration is an event that occurs during multiple stages of the Champion Duel, it will last throughout the Championship.
You collect Duel Fireworks duel fireworks, completing daily tasks quests , and you can convert them into rewards and black market money.

Sign up stage

During this stage, that lasts 5 days, you register to the Champion Duel and you submit your lineup.

In the Lineup tab you can sync your squad data.

Remember that every time you improve your power you need to come here and do a sync to submit the new Lineup to the duel.

Sign up Detail

During this phase you can see the group you are part of in the Championship duel, and the other participants that registered.


You start battling against other commanders to earn the right to pass qualifications.

Clicking on the Record button you can access all battle history and from there you can also check all battle reports.

Remember to sync your squads in the Lineup tab after you enhance your squad.


Once battles start, if you reach some goals you can receive rewards, clicking on the bottom right button “Rewards”

Week 3

There are 3 missions in the third week, they unlock at different times.

Week 3-01: Unlock Radar Task: Dripper

This mission will start day 1 of Week3.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

You can challenge level 31-35 zombies on world map.

Zombie Kill Ranking

Clicking on the upper right leaderboard icon leaderboard events on the event you can access the Zombie Killing Ranking, the more zombies you kill the higher the ranking.

Reward chest goal

A total of 2000 Zombies on World Map have been have been killed in this Warzone

Week 3-02: Rapid Rescue

This mission will start day 1 of Week3.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

There is no specific mission goal in this event, but you can try to win the Healing Ranking.

Healing Ranking

Clicking on the upper right leaderboard icon leaderboard events on the event you can access the Healing Ranking, the more troops you heal the higher the ranking.

Reward chest goal

A total of 25000 troops have been healed in this Warzone

Week 3-03: Major Construction

This mission will start day 1 of Week3.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

There is no specific mission goal in this event, but you can try to win the Construction Ranking.

Construction Ranking

Clicking on the upper right leaderboard icon leaderboard events on the event you can access the Construction Ranking, the more you build the higher the ranking.

Reward chest goal

A total of 500 buildings have been built in this Warzone

Week 4

There are 3 missions in the fourth week, they unlock at different times.

Week 4-01: Lv. 31-35 Doom elite on World Map

This mission will start day 1 of Week4.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

You can challenge level 31-35 doom elites on world map.

Kill Ranking

Clicking on the upper right leaderboard icon leaderboard events on the event you can access the Killing Ranking, the more doom elites you kill the higher the ranking.

Reward chest goal

A total of 1000 Doom Elites on World Map have been have been killed in this Warzone

Week 4-02: Unit Training

This mission will start day 1 of Week4.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

There is no specific mission goal in this event, but you can try to win the Unit Training Ranking.

Unit Training Ranking

Clicking on the upper right leaderboard icon leaderboard events on the event you can access the Unit Training Ranking, the more units you train the higher the ranking.

Reward chest goal

A total of 50000 units have been trained in this Warzone

Week 4-03: Tech Breakthrough

This mission will start day 1 of Week4.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

There is no specific mission goal in this event, but you can try to win the Research Ranking.

Research Ranking

Clicking on the upper right leaderboard icon leaderboard events on the event you can access the Research Ranking, the more research you complete the higher the ranking.

Reward chest goal

A total of 500 Tech Researches have been completed in this Warzone

Week 5

Week 5 of Season 2 Celebration will not bring additional events. It is merely an additional week that allows to complete the Champion duel event.


  1. Anonymous

    question to black market please: can you get there Special Weapons parts that were released during S2? (i.e. Murphy)

    • cristian

      Yes, they are called “Hero Exclusive Weapon Shard Choice chest IV”: Kimberly, DVA, Tesla, Murphy, Carlie, Swift.

    • FKlastwar

      It’s worser in S2.
      S1 black market give 10 pieces.
      S2 The special weapon shard in black market only 5 piece.

  2. Anonymous

    Why there’s no server transfer on on our Day 4 Week 1?

    • cristian

      I was expecting it too on server 87 but it’s not there

      • Nick

        The server transfers were put on hold by the devs because one server was creating a super alliance with 16b power and the devs didn’t want that to happen so they pulled the transfer portions for later servers until they can fix that from happening on all servers.

  3. David

    Do you need to be level 30 to expand your base? When I go to the section in the Age of Oil and select on base expansion, it takes me to my base screen and only shows a yellow arrow pointimg down in the top right corner.

    • cristian

      Yes, you need to be level 30 to expand further.

  4. Sebastian

    Who will server transfer continue ? When is it excapted ? Are there new requirements ?

    • cristian

      We don’t know yet, but for sure they will make an announcement in the official discord as soon as it is re-opened.

  5. Anonymous

    What comes after celebration event?, 😅

    • cristian

      A hangover? 🤣
      We don’t know yet, on server #22 the Season 2 Celebration should end on Monday, I will let you guys know if there is something new.

  6. WulfMichaelson

    A bunch of typos in the section for Week 3-03: Major Construction, where the text is still talking about troops healed from the prior section.

    • cristian

      Thanks, I just fixed some.

  7. Heinz

    Gibt es schon Infos, was nach der Feier passiert bzw. kommt? Danke

    • cristian

      After Season 2 Celebration ends in server 22 nothing happened, I guess we will have at least 1 month off season.

  8. Daniel varela

    Den algún adelanto de la temporada 2 estamos esperando para prepararnos y estar listos para la pelea

    • cristian

      I guess you mean you want preview of Season 3… I didn’t receive yet any information about it… we need to wait

      • Boops

        The next season… Water? Or it’s during Chinese New year? Dragons?

        • cristian

          It’s still a mistery…

  9. Yuri

    Can we use black market cash from season 1 for black market season 2?

    • cristian

      Yes you can use the same black market cash. In fact after Season 1, the black market cash that you didn’t use is stored in the inventory.

  10. Lehuga

    Can you post tips for early days of celebration of oil?
    Does anyone below HQ 30 have disadvantages? Thanks

    • cristian

      To arrive prepared to celebration of oil make sure you reached 40% of special forces researches and that you upgrade your tech center to HQ30 as they are required to access the new Age of Oil research tree. If you are below HQ30 you cannot access that research tree and so you cannot start earning oil. It’s not a huge problem but it slows down you growth as you will be able to build only later some of the buildings that are available with that tree.

      • Lehuga #378

        Thanks for reply

        I’m already on 60% special force (pushing for T10 just like my leader alliance said)
        I’ll be pushing upgrade button to HQ 30 after this week (it’s on reward distribution week)
        So, it’ll be at least 30-40 days (with some ministry buff)

        • cristian

          Nice. Also check that you used all your profession skill points before starting the upgrade, there are some skills to lower resources and time for construction.

      • 如果您的 HQ 低于 30,则无法访问该研究树,因此您无法开始赚取石油。这不是一个大问题,但它会减慢您的成长速度,因为您以后只能建造该树可用的一些建筑物

        请问一下,“因为您以后只能建造该树可用的一些建筑物” 是什么意思? 那是不是说我会有该树的一些建筑物不能建造?

        • cristian

          I mean that the Age of Oil tech tree has researches that unlock some very interesting buildings among which: Oil Well, 3rd Tech Center, Drone Parts Workshop.
          You will be able to access the age of oil tree only once your tech center is level 30 and your special forces researches are at 40%, so if you don’t have those requirement that new tech tree is blocked. But you don’t need to worry because that tech tree will be available to you whenever you meet those requirement, you don’t need to meet them during Season 2 Celebration, there is no time limit. Once you satisfy those requirement you can start doing the researches and unlock those buildings.

  11. Alessia

    Ciao, per il QG livello 33 è 35 serve alzare anche il campo di addestramento?

  12. daniel

    Do you need to have tech center 2 unlocked to gain an additional through the research?

    • cristian

      No need for 2nd Tech Center. You just need your 1st Tech Center at level 30 and the research special forces at least at 40%

  13. Nick

    Hi. All progress will not disappear at the end of the season? For example, by the end of the OIL season I got a HQ 35, and when the season is over I will have HQ 30?

    • cristian

      Any progress on normal buildings, like HQ, will not disappear. Usually only seasonal buildings get reset at the end of the season, and devs know now to make it very clear about which get reset. So don’t worry and do your best to get to HQ 35.

      • 3DSlon

        The 3rd tech center will also need to be purchased like the 2nd one?

        • cristian

          No, once you complete the corresponding research you get it for free

  14. Capt Adia #904

    So what happened after season 2 is done? We will still remain in the server? Things will go back to day 1?

    • cristian

      Similar to Season 1 end you will remain in the server and the map is frozen to current state. Once Season 3 starts the map will be updated with the new map and features.

  15. Mitch Dudeck

    What does the drone parts workshop do?

    • cristian

      It generates Drone parts. As you can see in the screenshots provided for the Drone Workshop there is the timing of how much it takes to generate 1 drone part

  16. N

    Ciao, io ho solo il centro tecnologico 1… per avere quello identificato come 3 devo avere il centro tecnologico 2?
    In senso il 3 mi arriva come secondo?

    • cristian

      Ciao, una volta che hai completato la ricerca del terzo centro tecnologico ti arriva come terzo centro tecnologico anche se non hai mai comprato il secondo. Insomma se non hai mai comprato centri tecnologici alla fine ne avrai 2 ma si chiamano primo e terzo 🙂

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