Starting the 28th of November, in occasion of Thanksgiving the new Special “Thanksgiving Event” is available.
Let’s take a look at the event and then I will show you how to maximize the rewards for this event.
The Thanksgiving event has 4 tabs:
Gift of Thanks

Thanksgiving Lottery

Thanksgiving Store

Gift me a Turkey

Gift of Thanks
Below are the rules, but you can skip them and go to the next paragraph, where I explain what to do instead.
- Collect ingredients during the event by completing Radar tasks or defeating zombies on the World Map. Use these ingredients to cook turkeys.
- When you gift turkeys to other players, you earn 2 Thanksgiving Lottery Tickets, while the recipient gets 1 Ticket.
- Activate the “Gift a turkey with your like” feature to send 1 turkey automatically when you Like another player.
- Receive enough turkeys to become the Thanksgiving Star and claim Surprise Box. Thanksgiving Stars get a unique castle effect during the event.
- Players on the same server as the Thanksgiving Star can visit their castle to claim Thanksgiving Visit Chests. The Lv. 1 Thanksgiving Star offers 1 chest, and Lv. 2 Star offers 3 chests. Each player can collect up to 10 chests per day.
- Players can receive up to 1.000 turkeys daily. After reaching the limit, you won’t receive any more turkeys that day.
- Accounts registered under 10 days or HQs below level 15 cannot collect ingredients from regular activities.
- Ingredient acquisition attempts from regular activities are limited each day, but unused attempts will roll over to the next day.
- Stats for recommended players are finalized as of November 26, 2024
- When the store closes, “Turkeys” and “Ingredients” will be retrieved when the event timer ends and converted into Universal Speed-up items, which will be sent via mail. Items not retrieved on time will expire and can be manually converted into universal Speed-up items in your Inventory.
- Conversion Rate: Turkey *1 = 1-minute Speed-up item *40. Ingredient 11-minute Speed-up item*2
What to do
So basically here is what you should do:
- Based on which event is available on your server in this moment, execute all actions to earn as many ingredients as possible, taking into consideration there is the daily limit of 200 ingredients.

- Once you obtained at least 20 ingredients you can cook a turkey. Go to the Gift of Thanks tab and click on the pot the Soldier is holding on his arm.
In this video you can see how to cook the turkey, and once done clicking on the Turkey on the left a popup appears from which you can easily find and send turkeys to your allies.
- Additional ways to send turkeys
Click on an ally base and use the Gift button

Once you received a turkey, go to Thanksgiving Lottery tab, click on Records and from there you can return a Gift

Enable the “Like to send turkey” feature at the bottom of “Gift of Thanks” page, so that when someone sends the new “Request a turkey” emoji in chat you can just like it to send a turkey.

Thanksgiving Star
Receive enough turkeys to become the Thanksgiving Star and claim Surprise Box.
Players on the same server as the Thanksgiving Star can visit their castle to claim Thanksgiving Visit Chests. The Lv. 1 Thanksgiving Star offers 1 chest, and Lv. 2 Star offers 3 chests. Each player can collect up to 10 chests per day.
Level 1
This is how your base will look like once you reach Thanksgiving Star Level 1, receiving at least 200 turkeys! (The required number has been lowered from 500 to 200 the second day)
Congratulations to beoL on #1065 to be one of the first to achieve it!

Players that come visit Thanksgiving Star Level 1 bases will receive 1 Chest with the following drop rates. Each player can collect up to 10 chests per day.

Level 2
This is how your base will look like once you reach Thanksgiving Star Level 2, receiving at least 600 turkeys!
Congratulations to BensonVonButcher on #375 and beoL on #1065 to be among the first to achieve it!

Thanksgiving Lottery
Once again here are the rules, but you can skip and go to the next paragraph if you prefer.
- Earn Thanksgiving Lottery Tickets by gifting or receiving turkeys during the event.
- Use the Lottery Tickets to draw prizes, including First Prize, Second Prize, and Participation Prize, and win their rewards.
- For the first 6 days, at 24:00 server time, a Grand Prize number will be drawn daily from the First Prize numbers on this server.
- Reminder: The final day is the settlement period. During this time, lottery draws and Grand Prize draws won’t be available. Please use your tickets in time.
- After the event ends, Thanksgiving Lottery Tickets will convert into Universal Speed-up items and be sent to your
- Conversion Rate: Thanksgiving Lottery Ticket 1 = 1-minute Universal Speed-up 20.
What to do
Enter this page to:
- Collect turkeys that were sent to you: you will see a red dot on the button “Gift box” on the upper right corner of the page if a turkey was sent to you. Clicking on it will automatically collect turkeys

- Click on the button “Records” above the “Gift box” button to see who sent you turkeys and to send one back

- Use the Lottery Tickets to draw prizes (clicking “1xDraw” or “10xDraw”), including First Prize, Second Prize, and Participation Prize, and win their rewards that you will use in the in the “Thanksgiving Shop” tab

- Here a video of receiving and sending back turkeys, and drawing prices:
- At every server reset during the event, there will be a Grand Prize Lottery draw with very nice rewards. The first prize lottery tickets you obtained in the steps before will give you access to the lottery.

- At server reset there is the Grand Prize Draw

IMPORTANT: the amount of voucher you see in the Grand Prize results is the total amount of vouchers you earned drawing lottery the day before + the ones you won with the Grand Prize Draw at server reset. So don’t expect them all to be additional to what you already have in your inventory, in fact probably you already spent them all the day before and this is just a summary of how many vouchers you earned the previous day + grand prize draw.
Grand Prize Winner
Once the Grand Prize Winner has been announced make sure you send an airplane to join the celebration and earn an additional gift. Click on the winning base to send an recon plane to retrieve the reward.

Thanksgiving Store
The event store has some nice rewards and they are not difficult to get. Here you can use the Vouchers to get your rewards.

- During the event, you can use Thanksgiving Vouchers in the store to trade for amazing rewards.
- Every item in the store has a limit on how many times it can be exchanged. Once the limit is reached, you can’t exchange for that item anymore.
- Items redeemed from the cannot be returned, please choose wisely.
- When the store closes, Thanksgiving Voucher will be converted into Universal Speed-up items and sent to your mailbox by the end of the event. Items not retrieved on time will expire and can be manually converted into universal Speed-up items in your Inventory.
- Conversion Rate: Thanksgiving Voucher*1 = 1-minute Universal Speed-up*3.
Gift me a Turkey
With this pack you earn the “Gift Me a Turkey” emoji. With that emoji you are basically asking people to send you a turkey. Who enabled “Like to send turkey” can just put a heart on that message to send you a turkey. “Like to send turkey” feature can be found in the first tab “gift of thanks” of the Thanksgiving event so that when you like a comment in chat you automatically send a turkey.

The requirement for Level 1 Thanksgiving Star is 500 turkeys. I reached it a few hours ago and have Proof in form of a Screenshot
Thanks for letting us know, I sent you an email so that you can send me the screenshot 🙂
I published the images you sent me here:
Thanks again!
I need this Thanks Given fram . how can i get this ?
There is no actual frame as reward, but there is a nice decoration. To get it you need to send and receive turkeys and draw lottery tickets to earn Thanksgiving vouchers. Once you get those you can purchase items in the Thanksgiving store.
I win Grand Prize lottery reward yesterday.. is that possible for me to received Grand Prize again at another day if I win Lottery?
I think you can, there are no limitations expressed about it in the rules. Congratulations!
How can I tell how many turkeys I’ve been gifted so far, so I can get the carpet. Need 200
There is no easy way unfortunately, from what I heard people go to records section in the second tab of the Thanksgiving event and they count them manually 😅
Unless there is another way I’m unaware of. It looks like it’s a manual count.
Does season 3 already started?
It didn’t start yet
How many turkeys for level 3 thankful gift lvl?
There is no Thanksgiving Star level 3
Tu sais à peu prêt quand la saison 3 va commencer ?
Devs are aiming to release it in January 2025
Merci pour ta réponse !! Et ton site est superbe