Season 2 – Polar Storm

You’ll be notified at least 7 days before 🧊 Season 2 – Polar Storm begins on your server, as a countdown icon will appear beneath the Duel VS icon, just like it did for Season 1.

🧊 Season 2 – Polar Storm guides are divided into more articles to keep these guides mobile friendly:


The Story


Get ready with your allies to face new challenges! Your warzone will be relocated to the distant northern polar region, which is covered with ice and snow all year round, with a cold climate, and rumors of giant beasts appearing.
In Season II, the ruler of the polar region Emperor Boreas has shut down all heat sources, causing it to be completely covered by ice and snow.
We have to defeat the Emperor and restore life to the polar region. However, not only are we entrusted with this mission, but we also have to be careful of harassment from other warzones while fighting against the Emperor.

The mission

In the far northern polar region, there’s a forbidden zone, tamed by ice and snow, making it barren and lifeless. Once bustling cities are now snow-covered, with buildings like icy tombs, as if time has stopped. Thick snow covers the streets, and cold winds howl through frozen alleys, producing ghostly roars. This place once had a prosperous industrial nation. Despite its strength, its people endured a “heat crisis.” The old government banned personal fires to control people, providing paid central heating instead. The people hated this, and many poor froze to death in the streets.

A hero eventually overthrew the old government, lifted the “fire ban,” and built large furnaces in every city, ending the “heat crisis.” He was the last king, Emperor Boreas, but the demon slayer became a demon himself. His brutal rule caused people to revolt, and he was assassinated by Violet, forcing him to hide in an ice cellar with biochemical weapons. Facing freezing to death, he had no choice but to break the dangerous containers in the ice cellar, surrounding himself with viral gas. Miraculously, the low temperatures kept the virus inactive, preventing him from becoming a monster. He kept his mind and gained great power but could only survive in extreme cold.

With this power, he destroyed all who opposed him and shut down all furnaces, turning the nation into a dead city. To restore life to the polar region, our army will march north, vowing to defeat the mad Emperor Boreas, liberate the cities from his control, open the furnaces, and bring warmth back to this land!

Official Season 2 Event Calendar

Devs released the 22nd of August the following Event Calendar

Click here to download : High Quality event calendar image

Season 2: Polar Storm timeline

Season 2 is accessible clicking on the Season 2 Event icon right above the duel VS icon.

It is composed by the following elements, some of them will appear later on:

  • Main Timeline
    • Week 1 to Week 8
  • Season Events (a short list of them available in week 1, each week more will appear)
    • Purge Action
    • Cold wave incoming
    • Frost Boost
  • Passes (they change during the 8 weeks)
    • Weekly Pass
    • Season Battle Pass

Clicking on the main Season: 2 banner allows you to access the structure of this season.
Specifically you will see the season be divided in 8 weeks. Clicking on the corresponding Week button, you will be able to see each week’s missions. There are separate guides available for each week, go to the top of this article to find all links.

Additionally, season events are visible in this section, some of them will become active when the corresponding mission in the corresponding week is unlocked. Other have their own activation timer.


Clicking on Goals you will find both individual and alliance missions to respectively earn rewards for:

  • Increasing your High-heat Furnnace’s Level
  • Alliance Furnace Operating Time


Individual goals rewards are great, of which the best ones are:

  • a lot of coal and titanium alloy
  • violet shards to facilitate her upgrade to UR
  • the Legendary Hero Badge item legendary hero badge
  • 10 new era recruitment ticket new era recruitment ticket


Season Contributions

There are some metrics to rank who did the most contributions during the season. You can access it from Season 2 menu -> Season Contributions.

These ranks don’t give you rewards, but your R4/5 could decided based on these metrics to reward you with loot rewards. Loot rewards are earned by the alliance capturing territories and can be distributed by R4/5 as they want.

Mutual Assistance


Rare Soil War


Season 2 Goals

In this season in the freezing world of the Polar Region the major challenge is the temperature.
You need to make sure that your base stays warm using your Furnaces (your own and the Alliance one). The more you move to the center of the map the more the temperature drops.

This Season features temperature and virus resistance, both can be increased using your Furnace, so that’s your main goal since the beginning.

Rare Soil is also crucial in this Season 2, once cities and dig sites in the Polar Region are captured, they will start producing Rare Soil over time.
At the end of the Season alliances will be ranked by how much they have, the higher the rank, the better the Season 2 Rewards. So it is different from Season 1 where the final ownership of cities determined the ranking as now all the activities of capture of an alliance over the Season 2 influence the outcome, because Rare Soil accumulates over time.

In game manuals – Rules

For those who want to see the in game manual here we go, you will find such rules explained in the various section of this guide anyway.

Week 1 Manual

Week 2 Manual

Week 3 Manual

Week 4 Manual

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

New basic resources – Coal and Titanium Alloy

Additional resources are available now in the game: titanium alloy and coal.

Titanium Alloy:
Used for constructing and upgrading seasonal buildings.
You can earn Titanium Alloy through:
– First Time Level Zombie Kill Rewards
– Completing Season Quest missions quests
– Completing Season 2 Goals for the High-heat Furnace Level
– Doom Walker First Blood Kill (First DW kill of a day)
– Using Hero’s Return Recruitment ticket heroes return recruitment ticket in S2: Legend Returns
– City/Dig Site first capture reward

Used for constructing and upgrading seasonal structures or to fuel the High-heat Furnace.
You can earn coal through:
– First Time Level Zombie Kill Rewards
– Completing Season Quest missions quests
– Capturing Dig Sites allows continuous Coal production
– Completing Season 2 Goals for the High-heat Furnace Level
– Using Hero’s Return Recruitment ticket heroes return recruitment ticket in S2: Legend Returns
– Weekly Pass and Season Battle Pass (biggest boost)
– Supply Collection rewards
City/Dig Site first capture reward
– Feed Snowflake a meal he through the Polar Dishes Event

The World and the map

The world changed again, the map is composed by alternating cities and dig sites.

To crush Emperor Boreas’s ambitions, you and your allies are gathering on the outskirts of the polar region. It’s very cold and the temperature drops further as you approach the center.


Dig Sites

Nuclear Furnace (Capitol)

At the beginning of the season you and your allies will find yourselves stranded at the edge of the server (but still all together as alliance hive), with no owned city. Cities must be re-conquered, but new rules apply…

Doom elite monsters are transformed into aggressive polar monsters, and most of the zombies need a high virus resistance to be killed.

This is how the map looks like. The buildings you see are the cities, the other tiles in between are the dig sites. Tiles are considered to be connected on the corner, so for example each city tile is connected to the other cities tiles on their corners, same applies for dig sites.

Click the following link if you want the high quality version to download: High Quality Map

Thermal map view

As you can see on the map view there is a toggle to enable the Thermal Map, that will show you the temperature. And clicking on each point of the map will give you the temperature in that location.

The further you move to the center of the map the lower the temperature.

Starting from any dig site in the corner, going diagonally towards the center, each tile of the map has an increasing temperature, specifically: -15 °C, -30 °C, -40 °C, -50 °C, -60 °C, -70 °C, -80 °C (The Capitol).

This is the complete thermal map overlay, that does not take into consideration city furnaces, nuclear furnace, blizzard or any other heat altering effect, this is the warzone base land temperature.

A quick video overview

To have a grasp on how this new season presents itself please watch the video below recorded the very first day the season 2 started on server 22.

New Buildings

New types of buildings are available during season 2.
The ones pertaining to your base can be built only on the outside of your base’s perimeter (same area used in Season 1). Some appear right at the beginning of the season, others will follow.
There are also new alliance buildings available in Season 2.

Titanium Alloy Factory

The Titanium Alloy Factory produces titanium alloy that is crucial to upgrade your Furnace level.

Level up Titanium Alloy Factory

You will need coal to level up the Titanium Alloy Factory

This building can be upgraded up to level 30, regardless of your HQ level.

Once your first Titanium Alloy Factory reaches level 15 a new Titanium Alloy Factory will be available.

Subsequent Titanium Alloy Factories will be available when the previous reaches level 15.

One Titanium Alloy Factory will be immediately available with the Season’s Weekly Pass.

IMPORTANT: any level up will always give you an increment of 720 output/h regardless of the level you are reaching. So be smart and always level up the factory with the lowest level first. Check out the best strategy in the Season 2 tricks article

Titanium Alloy factory coal requirements

These attributes refer to free to play titanium alloy factories, the additional one that can be obtained with the weekly pass might have lower costs (I will add info about that in the future).

The values in the table below are the ORIGINAL costs in coal. To those costs some reductions are applied based on:

  • your tech researches about cost building cost reduction
  • your alliance tech about cost building cost reduction
  • the profession specialization, specifically level 35 “Resource Saving” skill (up to -5%)

So to know your actual cost find the % of “Reduce resource required for building construction” and remove that % from the ORIGINAL cost

Click on your HQ -> Survivor List for Headquarters-> Economy tab

LevelCoal CostAlloy Output/hPower
21.4 k1440200
32.8 k2160400
45.6 k2880600
511.2 k3600900
616.8 k43201300
725.2 k50401800
837.8 k57602400
956.7 k64803200
1085.1 k72004200
1193.6 k79205200
12102.9 k86406300
13113.2 k93607400
14124.5 k100808600
15137.0 k108009900

High-heat Furnace

This new building is very important.

It allows you to bring up the temperature using coal and to increase the virus resistance.

Level up High-heat Furnace

You will need titanium alloy to level up the High-heat Furnace

Leveling up this building allows to increase:

  • the Virus Resistance
  • activation heat of the furnace (it’s the base temperature of the furnace)
  • overdrive heat of the furnace (it’s the max temperature you can reach with the furnace if you allow it to consume more coal per minute)

This building can be upgraded up to level 30, regardless of your HQ level.

High-Heat Furnace control panel

To increase the temperature of your base you can switch on the High-heat furnace.

The control panel is quite easy to understand:

  • toggle to turn on/off
  • toggle to enable overdrive that will consume more coal per minute but will heat more
  • toggles to auto enable furnace when Blizzard arrives.

Check the video below to see the effect on the Temperature.

In the video you can see the effect of enabling the Furnace and how it affects your base temperature.

If you enable overdrive the temperature goes up even faster.

Alliance Furnace

Additionally to your own High-heat Furnace there is going to be also the Alliance Furnace. This is a nice addition as the whole alliance can contribute to increase the temperature for all the allies.

Starting day 1 of Season 2 the alliances can position the Alliance Furnace build spot on the map (Level 1 territory) and start repair the Alliance Furnace to start using it (it starts at level 1). This process is similar to building an outpost, up to 20 reinforcements.

The Alliance Furnace can be located going to Alliance button -> Alliance Furnace -> clicking on the coordinates. Actions on it can only be done by R4/5

In the video on the left you can see how to locate the Alliance Furnace and how to contribute in repairing it.

Additionally you are able to see all the bonuses the furnace provides.

In the video on the right you can see the Alliance Furnace in action and how to donate coal.

Alliance Furnace heat range

It is important to note that the Alliance Furnace will boost the temperature only in its range, therefore be sure to be located close to the Furnace with your base

A good suggestion for an alliance would be to always locate around the Alliance Furnace and to let people with lower temperature and low high-heat furnace level closer to it.

Below see the effect of the Furnace on the land when it is on and off.
On the left the Furnace is on and so it heats its surrounding, on the right it is off and so the temperature is lower on the exact same spot.

If in overdrive mode you can see the even higher temperature:

Below you can see the Thermal Map around the Furnace and how it is affecting the temperature on the land in range.

When you are in range of the Alliance Furnace you will see its effect in the temperature detail. If you are out of range you will not see it listed here.

Alliance Furnace Levels
LevelCoal/minHeatOverdrive HeatOverdrive coal/minCoal StorageRare SoilDurability
1300/min3 °C6 °C1200/min200k0205k
2360/min3.5 °C7 °C1440/min300k15k210k
3420/min4 °C8 °C1680/min400k45k215k
4480/min4.5 °C9 °C1920/min500k90k220k
5540/min5 °C10 °C2160/min600k150k225k
6600/min5.5 °C11 °C2400/min750k225k230k
7660/min6 °C12 °C2640/min900k300k235k
8720/min6.5 °C13 °C2880/min1050k375k340k
9780/min7 °C14 °C3120/min1250k450k245k
10840/min7.5 °C15 °C3360/min1450k525k250k
11900/min8 °C16 °C3600/min1650k625k255k
12960/min8.5 °C17 °C3840/min1850k725k260k
131020/min9 °C18 °C4080/min2100k850k265k
141080/min9.5 °C19 °C4320/min2350k975k270k
151140/min10 °C20 °C4560/min2600k1125k275k
161200/min10.5 °C21 °C4800/min2900k1275k280k
171260/min11 °C22 °C5040/min3200k1450k285k
181320/min11.5 °C23 °C5280/min3500k1625k290k
191380/min12 °C24 °C5520/min3850k1800k295k
201440/min12.5 °C25 °C5760/min4150k2000k300k

New Farms – Alliance Resources

As shown in Season 1, after defeating Doom Elites, a new type of alliance resource farm can temporarily appear at random. In Season 2, these farms can include titanium alloy and coal types. Up to 10 squads can gather in each Gathering Tile.

The Probability of Alliance Resource Tiles appearing after killing monsters is 5%

When Alliance Resource Tiles appear, the probabilities for each type are:

  • Titanium Alloy, Coal, Diamond Resource Tile: 11.11% (each)
  • Food, Iron, Coin Resource Tile: 22.22% (each)

Military Bases

Three new buildings that allow hero types enhancements will be available starting once the high-heat furnace reaches level 30.

IMPORTANT: these buildings will disappear at the end of the Season 2, same as it already happened in Season 1.

To upgrade them you will need both coal and titanium alloy . These buildings can be upgraded up to level 30, regardless of your HQ level.

Each level upgrade will increase the corresponding boost damage caused by tank/aircraft/missile heroes.

Thea amount of coal and titanium alloy needed to upgrade each level is the same among all buildings, and also the boost %.

The coal and titanium alloy values below are the original ones, you have to apply your resource reduction buff as explained already for titanium alloy factories

LevelCoalTitanium AlloyBoost damagePower
10.5 %600
28400168001.0 %1200
316800336001.5 %1900
433600672002.0 %3000
5672001344002.5 %4600
61008001882003.0 %6500
71512002446003.5 %8800
82268002935004.0 %11500
93402003522004.5 %14700
105103004227005.0 %18600
115613005072005.5 %22800
126175006087006.0 %27300
136792007304006.5 %32200
147471008765007.0 %37600
1582180010518007.5 %43500
1690400011500008.0 %49700
1799440012650008.5 %56300
18109390013800009.0 %63200
19115000015000009.5 %70500
201265000161500010.0 %78300
211380000184500010.5 %86400
221380000196000011.0 %94900
231500000219000011.5 %103800
241500000242000012.0 %113100
251615000265000012.5 %122900
261730000276500013.0 %132900
271845000299500013.5 %143200
281960000311000014.0 %153800
291960000322500014.5 %164800
302075000345500015.0 %176100


  • Maximum number of cities and dig sites you can capture: 6 cities and 4 dig sites
  • Capturing cities does not increase the number of Dig Sites you can capture, as it is always 4

City capture follows City Clash event schedule

Owned cities and Dig Sites produce Rare Soil that is fundamental to win Season 2, and the amount depends on the city level: city rare soil amounts and dig sites rare soil amounts

City Furnace

Cities provide heat to the whole city land once they are captured, and the amount is based on their level:

  • Level 1: 5 °C
  • Level 2: 20 °C
  • Level 3: 30 °C
  • Level 4: 40 °C
  • Level 5: 50 °C
  • Level 6: 60 °C

Level 6 cities

Level 6 cities are for sure the most wanted because of their buff, here their full description.

They are located on North, East , South and West of the capitol.





Level 7 City – Nuclear Furnace – The Capitol

Dig Sites

Dig Sites were once crucial for producing coal, but they’ve been taken over by mutant beasts under Emperor Boreas’s control. Defeat the beasts, reclaim the sites and resume coal production.

Coal is crucial for providing heat to your base, so capturing Dig Sites that produce coal is a very important move any alliance should make. Higher level Dig Sites produce higher amounts of coals.

With the latest game update Dig Sites also produce Rare Soil.

The Dig Site is protected by polar beasts and they can get frozen, so before the capture you need to unfreeze them. To unfreeze them click on the beast, use the unfreeze button to send your squad in action. Afterwards defeat the polar beast like you defeated Corruptors in Season 1.

You can view all the Alliance Dig Sites going to Alliance button -> Alliance City.

In the first tab you will find both cities and dig sites that produce rare soil, in the second tab you will find dig sites producing coal, that you can claim hourly clicking on each dig site listed or clicking on the button “claim all”.

In this video you can see a captured Dig Site and how it provides coal to alliance members

Dig sites coal and rare soil production

Dig Sites produce coal and rare soil based on their level, here the exact amount per level

  • Level 1: 2.736/h coal – 100/h rare soil
  • Level 2: 2.880/h coal – 110/h rare soil
  • Level 3: 3.024/h coal – 120/h rare soil
  • Level 4: 3.168/h coal – 130/h rare soil
  • Level 5: 3.312/h coal – 140/h rare soil
  • Level 6: 3.456/h coal – 150/h rare soil
Capture and protection status

Dig Sites appear to be similar to Season 1 Strongholds.

  • Maximum number of Dig Site you can own: 4, regardless of how many cities you own
  • Maximum daily limit of dig site captures: 2
  • Initial capture requires Mutant Beasts defeat with adequate Virus Resistance. The Polar Beast might be frozen, so you need to send squads to unfreeze it before attacking them. Multiple rallies are needed to defeat these beasts (each hit give % damage), check rally suggestions in next paragraph. Once the Polar Beast is defeated you need to reinforce the Dig Site, max 10 squads reinforcing
  • The Dig Site capture process is a challenge where the first alliance to reach 100% wins. The maximum capture time is 4 hours, and if full progress 100% isn’t made within that time, the attempt fails. If the Dig Site was unowned, it stays unowned; if it was owned, it remains with the previous owner. An alliance’s capture percentage increases while reinforcing the site, with stronger squads accelerating the process.
  • Once a Dig Site is captured it goes in protection status for 36 hours and it is surrounded by Dig Site Guards
  • You can technically attack and reinforce an unlimited number of Dig Sites at the same time, but the moment you complete the second daily capture you will not be able to attack neutral or owned Dig Sites any more. If you were reinforcing another dig site (that so would count as third capture) your squads will be automatically kicked the moment the second capture completes.
  • If a Dig Site is owned by an alliance and attacked by another, a failed capture attempt will not count as a daily capture for the defending alliance.
  • Your first alliance territory must be a Dig Site level 1. Starting from this you can capture any adjacent territory. Territories in Season 2 are adjacent also at their corners.
  • Territory capture can be extended to adjacent territories (dig sites and cities) from both owned cities and Dig Sites
  • If you drop or lose an alliance territory and so you have now 2 separate sets of alliance territories you can continue to capture any territory that is adjacent either to one set or the other.
  • When your alliance abandons a Dig Site (with a 1-hour abandonment process), it becomes unowned, allowing any alliance, including yours, to recapture it. However, if the Dig Site is still under protection status when abandoned, the protection status cooldown must expire before any alliance, including your own, can take control.
  • There will be no cross-warzone Dig Sites captures in Season 2.

Below you can see a Mutant Gorilla protecting a level 2 Dig Site. The Mutant Gorilla is still frozen, and the alliance has partially unfrozen it.

The game allows to capture Dig Sites that touch diagonally other Dig Sites via the corner. So for example in the images below you can see that it was not needed to capture City level 2 to be able to capture the other dig sites that were touching the other dig sites by the corner. These screenshots are of day 3 when only City level 1 could be captured.

Supply Collection

In Season 2 a new type of Alliance Resource treasure type appears: Supply Collection.

These new treasures can only be discovered when the land temperature reaches 0°C.

To find them relocate the Alliance Furnace to heat up land and make it reach 0°C.
You can also capture a city so that the city furnace will heat up the entire city area, and then you relocate the Alliance Furnace and enable it in overdrive mode (of course you need to make sure that your current Alliance Furnace level is high enough to allow you to reach the right temperature).
Once the land reaches 0°C the Supply Collection will appear in a defrosting state.

Send troops to defrost the Supply Collection, and claim your reward afterwards.

Supply Collections are of different level and so have different rewards.

It is possible to access Season 1 icon -> Supply collection, and from there see if there are discovered supply collections.

There is a limit of 5 reclaim attempts per day.

Check out this trick to maximize rewards.

It seems that supply collections are in the same locations on all servers so here a list with many of them: Supply Collections (Scattered Supplies) – Locations where to find them

Frozen Supply Collection

Unfrozen Supply Collection

Frozen supply collections cannot be reclaimed immediately.


  • break the ice (1000 durability per hit that costs 5 stamina points)
  • move alliance furnace close to supply collection to make temperature higher than 0 degrees

Claim Supply Collection Reward

Supply Collection Rewards

Supply collection in Capitol Mud Area

Many of you asked how to discover scattered supplies in the Capitol mud area, so here a video that shows you how to do it:

  • Complete the reactivate the Nuclear furnace event (week 5) activating the Furnace in the Capitol (+ 10 degrees on the whole map, this brings Capitol mud area to 70 degrees )
  • Position alliance furnace on the edge of Capitol mud area, and enable overdrive mode
  • Deploy fire bombs level 3 in the mud area

If you are lucky enough you will immediately discover Scattered Supplies and you can collect them.

If you are not lucky you need to try in different areas, coordinate with your allies to cover the max amount of area possible when releasing fire bombs.

It seems that supply collections are in the same locations on all servers so here a list with many of them: Supply Collections (Scattered Supplies) – Locations where to find them

Supply collection Rewards

Example of rewards for Supply Collection Level 1

Example of rewards for Supply Collection Level 2

Example of rewards for Supply Collection Level 3

Rare Soil

Once cities and dig sites in the Polar Region are captured, they will start producing Rare Soil over time. Rare Soil is a crucial Alliance resource this season, and at the end of the season, alliances will be ranked by how much they have. The higher the rank, the better the rewards.

The higher the city and dig site levels, the more Rare Soil they will produce per hour.

Rare Soil production

Once cities and dig sites are captured they will start produce Rare soil based on their level.

You can see the detail about Rare Soil production going to Alliance button -> Alliance City. Both cities and dig sites that produce rare soil are visible there.

The total amount of Rare Soil produced is visible in the Alliance Furnace view: Alliance button -> Alliance Furnace, and it will impact the Alliance Furnace level.

Rare Soil rankings can be accessed through the Season 2 page: Season 2 icon -> Leaderboard.

You can obtain more Rare soil by winning as the attacker in the Rare Soil War.

City Rare Soil production

Here the exact amount of Rare Soil per City level:

  • Level 1: 350/h
  • Level 2: 400/h
  • Level 3: 450/h
  • Level 4: 800/h
  • Level 5: 900/h
  • Level 6: 1000/h
Dig sites rare soil production

Here the exact amount of Rare Soil per Dig Site level:

  • Level 1: 100/h
  • Level 2: 110/h
  • Level 3: 120/h
  • Level 4: 130/h
  • Level 5: 140/h
  • Level 6: 150/h

Rare Soil War

Season 2 will have Rare Soil Wars, and there will be no cross-warzone city/dig sites capture.

Radar missions

In Season 2 a new radar mission is available: Distressed Survivor

To complete the mission send your squad to help the distressed survivor and receive rewards, among which coal.

Hero upgrades and weapons

Season 2 brings news regarding heroes and weapons, their availability differs in time.

Violet upgrade to UR

It will be possible to upgrade Violet to hero ur. The event will start week 3.

Violet’s Hero Story:

S2: Legend Returns

Every 50 recruits it is guaranteed to receive a Legendary hero.

Recruit Heroes

S2: Weapons of Legends

The new section in the tavern allows to obtain mainly Hero Exclusive Weapon Shard choice chests II, that provide Kimberly, DVA and Tesla Exclusive Weapon Shards.

To recruit in this section you will need “New Era Recruitment Ticket” new era recruitment ticket

Every 20 recruits it is guaranteed to receive 2 Exclusive Weapon Shards.

Exclusive Weapons

Season 2 also brings some exclusive weapons: Murphy, Carlie and Swift.

Murphy’s Exclusive Weapon

Using Murphy’s Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass (starting at day 4 of season 1) you will be able to earn Murphy’s Exclusive Weapon Shards murphy exclusive weapon shard that allow you to activate and upgrade the exclusive weapon easily (else you can collect Universal Exclusive Weapon universal exclusive weapon shard shards to use, but they can be used only for upgrade and not for activation).

See all the details in this article about Murphy’s Exclusive Weapon.

Carlie’s Exclusive Weapon

Using Carlie’s Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass (starting at day 4 of week 3) you will be able to earn Carlie’s Exclusive Weapon Shards carlie exclusive weapon shard that allow you to activate and upgrade the exclusive weapon easily (else you can collect Universal Exclusive Weapon universal exclusive weapon shard shards to use, but they can be used only for upgrade and not for activation).

See all the details in this article about Carlie’s Exclusive Weapon.

Swift’s Exclusive Weapon

Using Swift’s Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass (starting at day 4 of week 6) you will be able to earn Swift’s Exclusive Weapon Shards swift exclusive weapon shard that allow you to activate and upgrade the exclusive weapon easily (else you can collect Universal Exclusive Weapon universal exclusive weapon shard shards to use, but they can be used only for upgrade and not for activation).

See all the details in this article about Swift’s Exclusive Weapon.


Temperature is a major challenge in the polar region and it will continuously impact your base’s stats. Your base temperature will slowly align with the environment, and maintaining higher temperatures will give you bonus stats.
Your base’s temperature can range between: -270 °C and +300 °C .


You can monitor your temperature by the icon or accessing the temperature detail page clicking on that icon. In this detail page you can see listed all the factors impacting on your base’s temperature.

You can see in the upper section the icon of your base’s temperature (house symbol) moving to align with the icon of the environment temperature (map symbol).


The locations’s final temperature seen above will impact on the base, causing buffs/debuffs. The strength in % of the buff/debuff depends on the temperature and is shown in the schemas you can see in the images below. Here the description of the buffs/debuffs.

Basic resource output:
During the season, Farmland, Iron Mine and Gold Mine output +10% (at 4°C)

Thermal Weapon:
Troop Durability Damage during game season +100 (at 4°C)

Unit healing speed:
Wounded unit healing speed during the season +0% (at 4°C)

Units Morale:
Unit moral during the season +0% (at 4°C)

Temperature impacting factors

The temperature is impacted by many factors:

  • Base Location on map: there are different temperatures on the map, the more you go to the center the colder it gets
  • Furnace activity: the new seasonal building High-heat Furnace allows you to produce heat for your own base if enabled, and heat even more if set to overdrive mode
  • Intense overdrive skill: Season skill that allows to increase overdrive heat
  • Alliance Furnace activity: the new seasonal alliance building Alliance Furnace allows to produce heat in a close range, bases located close to the Alliance Furnace will be affected by that heat
  • Ally recon plane: Allies can send recon plane to heat up an ally temporarely
  • Cities Heating Area: When city Furnace is activated, the entire city area (tile on which the city is located) heats up. So locating your base close to a city helps to keep warm
  • Nuclear Furnace: The ultimate heater, it provides warmth to the entire map once activated
  • Blizzards: Events happening since day 1 of the Season that will bring a huge temperature drop in all the warzone for hours. The higher the level the more the temperature will drop
  • Squads activity: Squads leaving your base will cause a temporary heat loss
  • Polar Monsters: Your base under attack by polar monsters, temperature -5° C (Defense failure -10° C)

Freeze and Burn

Your goal is to keep your base at the right temperature so to not be affected by debuffs, and to not get your base frozen or catch fire.
Furthermore you should be careful to not spend too much coal as you will need it for your furnace (and the alliance furnace) the further your alliance moves to the center.

If your base’s temperature gets too low or too high you risk your base to be frozen or to catch fire.

Low temperatures

Your base’s temperature can’t drop below -270° C.

Base Almost Frozen:
Staying below -20° C will start a countdown of 5 minutes of Freezing Soon. Warm the base before the freeze time ends to prevent it from freezing.

– relocate to warmer zone
– enable high-heat furnace or set it in overdrive mode
– if you are in alliance furnace range request it to be enabled or set in overdrive mode.
– ask your allies to send recon plane to heat you

Frozen Base:
When a base stayed below -20° C for more than 5 minutes the base is frozen. When frozen, relocation and rallies are not possible. (Alliance and random relocates are still possible). Remember that also debuffs apply as shown in the Base paragraph.

– relocate to warmer zones with alliance or random teleport
– enable high-heat furnace or set it in overdrive mode
– if you are in alliance furnace range request it to be set in overdrive mode.
– ask your allies to send recon plane to heat you or to send squads to break the ice (5 hits costing 5 stamina each)

Ice Melting Soon:
If your base is frozen, if you bring temperature up to be higher than -20° C and keep it that way you will be able to defrost your base. A defrost countdown of 5 minutes starts, at the end of which your base is unfrozen.

If for even a second temperatures goes below -20° C the base remains frozen and you will have to start again to defrost the base.

An alternative is to request your allies to send squads to break the ice (5 hits costing 5 stamina each)

Video of Base almost Frozen and Frozen Base

In this video you will see:

  • base is at -9.5° C with furnace in overdrive running
  • furnace is disabled
  • base is aligning to environment temperature -26.5 ° C
  • when base reaches -20° C and stays under that temperature a Freezing soon countdown of 5 minute starts
  • when countdown reaches 0 the base is frozen
  • advanced teleport does not work any more with frozen base
Video of Frozen Base and defrosting

In this video:

  • base is frozen at -26.5 ° C
  • furnace is enabled
  • base is aligning to environment temperature -9.5 ° C
  • when base goes higher than -20° C and stays over that temperature a Thawing soon (defrosting) countdown of 5 minute starts
  • when countdown reaches 0 the base is defrosted

Help allies to increase temperature

You can help allies to increase their temperature sending a Recon Plan and spending some coal, but the effect is not lasting long. It can be helpful during difficult events like Blizzards.

Here you can see me sending Recon Plane and at each hit the temperature increases by +2° C , but right after the hit the temperature drops quite fast.

Virus Resistance

In Season 2, the virus is still present, but it affects the gameplay slightly less than it did in Season 1.

You need to build up your virus resistance upgrading your own High-heat Furnace (it increases both heat and virus resistance).

As usual there is the weekly pass that gives you a boost of 250 virus resistance

Virus Resistance will impact:

  • Doom Elite you can attack
  • Polar Beasts, guarding the Dig Sites, you can attack

The virus resistance for these attacks keep changing with some game updates, so don’t rely on these screenshots.

Professions – Level Cap extended to Lv. 70

In Season 2, the Level Cap for professions is opened to Lv.70.

The Season Skills from Levels up to 50 change and adapt to the season theme (few in low level remain the same as season 1).

This info will be integrated with the already existing guide about Professions soon.

Season Skills

Season Skills are the same for Engineer and Warlord profession and are the ones on the right of the carrier and with a green background.

Level 1

Level 10

Level 15

Level 25

Level 30

Level 35

Level 40

Level 45

Warlord additional skills – levels 45 to 70

Skills Level 45

Skills Level 50

Skills Level 55

Skills Level 60

Skills Level 65

Skills Level 70

Engineer additional skills – levels 45 to 70

Skills Level 45

Skills Level 50

Skills Level 55

Skills Level 60

Skills Level 65

Skills Level 70

Season Alliance Milestones

Season 2 re-introduces milestones, as the ones we saw at the beginning stages of the game and in Season 1.

You can access the Milestones and claim rewards going to Alliance -> Season Milestones.

Season 2 Passes

During Season 2 you have access to multiple passes that will help you throughout the season and to power up your heroes. They are similar to Season 1 passes.

Season Battle Pass

The Season Battle Pass lasts 48 days and it gives you lots of goods that you absolutely need in this new Season 2 to start with an advantage.

The Season Battle Pass is structured in 3 tiers:

  • Freebie
  • Game Season Advanced ~11,99 €
  • Game Season Luxury ~23,99 €

Main items for which the Advanced Pass is worth having it:

  • Multiplier on Freebie items, so lots of Golden shards , Profession EXP , coal , Hero’s return Tickets heroes return recruitment ticket
  • S1 Skill Points : Use it to gain 1 Profession skill point. This item can be used 10 times. Once used fully it grants 10k Profession EXP
  • Lucky Chests: Ore and Gear
  • Diamonds
  • Icy Emoji

Main items for which the Luxury Pass is worth having it:

  • Profession Change Certificate : It allows you to switch among engineer and warlord, it resets and refunds all Profession skill points
  • Profession Skill Reset Book : resets current profession skills and refunds points
  • Permanent Polar World Nameplate : +1000 Hero HP
  • Doubles items of Advanced Pass

Clearly, the Profession and hero items are very nice, but one of the best part of the 2 additional tiers is the huge amount of coal you will get.

Weekly Pass

You will be able to purchase this pass during the whole season (48 days).

Once purchased it will last for 7 days. During these 7 days you will have access to the exclusive additional Titanium Alloy Factory.

Totally available:

  • Titanium Alloy Factory: while the weekly pass is active it will produce titanium alloy. This feature will expire with the pass.
  • Instant +250 Virus Resistance bonus. This bonus will expire with the pass.
  • Marching Speed. This bonus will expire with the pass.
  • 20k Coal
  • 500 VIP Points
  • Daily:
    • 50 stamina
    • 20k Coal
    • 60 5m generic speed-ups

Murphy’s Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass

This pass lasts 7 days and starts at day 4 of season 1.

The goal of this pass is to give you access to Murphy shards but more importantly to Murphy Exclusive Weapon Shards.
In fact Murphy has a new dedicate weapon.

It is possible to activate Murphy’s new exclusive weapon ONLY using dedicated Murphy’s weapon shards, universal weapon shards can only be used to upgrade the level of the weapon after activation.

Shards rewards

Totally available:

  • 1 Epic Chest Alliance
  • 30 Murphy Shards
  • 4 Skill Medal Lucky Chest
  • 4 Legendary Resource Choice Chest
  • 70 Murphy Exclusive Weapon Shard
  • 16 Epic Resource Choice Chest
  • 7k Skill medals

Carlie’s Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass

This pass lasts 7 days and starts at day 4 of week 3.

The goal of this pass is to give you access to Carlie’s shards but more importantly to Carlie Exclusive Weapon Shards.

In fact Carlie has a new dedicate weapon.
It is possible to activate Carlie’s new exclusive weapon ONLY using dedicated Carlie’s weapon shards, universal weapon shards can only be used to upgrade the level of the weapon after activation.

Shards rewards

Totally available:

  • 1 Epic Chest Alliance
  • 30 Carlie Shards
  • 4 Skill Medal Lucky Chest
  • 4 Legendary Resource Choice Chest
  • 70 Carlie Exclusive Weapon Shard
  • 16 Epic Resource Choice Chest
  • 7k Skill medals

Follow up purchases

20 $ pack

50$ pack

100$ pack (can be purchased 2 times)

Swift’s Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass

This pass lasts 7 days and starts at day 4 of week 6.

The goal of this pass is to give you access to Swift’s shards but more importantly to Swift Exclusive Weapon Shards.

In fact Swift has a new dedicate weapon.
It is possible to activate Swift’s new exclusive weapon ONLY using dedicated Swift’s weapon shards, universal weapon shards can only be used to upgrade the level of the weapon after activation.

Shards rewards

Totally available:

  • 1 Epic Chest Alliance
  • 30 Swift Shards
  • 4 Skill Medal Lucky Chest
  • 4 Legendary Resource Choice Chest
  • 70 Swift Exclusive Weapon Shard
  • 16 Epic Resource Choice Chest
  • 7k Skill medals

Season Quests

The Quests section quests (icon above Heroes button) gets enhanced with newly added season main and secondary Tasks.

This addition is quite important because the main rewards are titanium alloy and coal .

The logic is the same as the daily quest missions you are used to since the beginning of the game.

Below an example of current tasks:

Frost Boost

This season brings a new set of boosts for those that have the following decorations

Check out this trick for Eternal Frozen Castle to receive rewards.

Season 2 Rewards

Season Rewards are of 2 types:

  • Alliance rewards, that are based on tiers based on conditions met at Season’s end. The reward tier remains fixed after settlment.
  • Faction rewards, based on who between Rebels and Gendarmerie wins

Alliance rewards

There are 8 tiers of rewards and they are based on the ranking of Rare Soil that was accumulated over time.

Once you meet the condition of a tier you will see the corresponding trophy with a ribbon like the following image. The rewards are based on the conditions met at the end of the season.

Tier 1 – Alliance Rare Soil Rank No. 1

Tier 2 – Alliance Rare Soil Rank No. 2-3

Tier 3 – Alliance Rare Soil Rank No. 4-10

Tier 4 – Alliance Rare Soil Rank No. 11-20

Tier 5 – Alliance Rare Soil Rank No. 21-50

Tier 6 – Alliance Rare Soil Rank No. 51-80

Tier 7 – Alliance Rare Soil Rank No. 81-120

Tier 8 – Alliance Rare Soil Rank No. 121-999

Faction Rewards

To receive Faction Rewards you High-Heat Furnace needs to be level 20 or above.

Season Merit Medals

Season merit medals season merit medal that are given with the Season Rewards stay in your inventory even after Season 2 end. Also the season store will stay always available, so no rush in using the medals.

Season 2 Shop/Store

Season 2 shop seems to be identical to Season 1. In fact it will not disappear once Season 1 ends and it keeps existing during Season 2. Furthermore the Season Merit Medals season merit medal that you win in Season 1 will be carried to Season 2 if you didn’t use them.

Details about some rewards:


  1. Chris

    Yesterday we finished season 1 and i got 400 points in total for the season store. If i store them, will they be accumulated with the points I’ll earn from season 2? My goal is to obtain the sanctuary but didn’t managed to get the points needed from S1. If not, i must use them before the store closes. Or is it possible to earn more of these points in between these two seasons?

  2. W4lDi

    Vielen Dank für die ausführlichen Infos!
    Gibt es bereits Infos zu neuen Helden?

    Viele Grüße
    W4lDi #222

    • cristian

      No info on new heroes yet 🙂

  3. Luis

    Is there a gap between seasons or do we go right into Season 2 when we finish Season 1?

      • Luis

        Thanks Cristian. I’m assuming that means we stay on the same map for those 8 weeks in between seasons?

        • cristian

          Correct, the map changes only once Season 2 starts

  4. beard

    Great compilation

    But it’s all repetitive. Would like to know things that aren’t as easily understood. Like what is the Supply collection?

    • cristian

      Hey, I will add everything as soon as I can experience it and make screenshots and video. It’s still day 2 and I was not able to see supply collection in action.

  5. Pierogi

    How many cities and digs can be captured per day?

    • cristian

      2 declarations of war and 2 dig sites capture per day

  6. Igor

    Can you add an information about the Frost gift witch is given after liking the base Eternal forest castle?

    • cristian

      I am adding a video about it in the next 10 minutes, you will find it in the Frost Boost section

  7. Lancer26

    Who will have the exclusive weapons aside from Murphy?

    • cristian

      The next exclusive weapon will be Carlie day 4 week 3. I expect there to be a third one as it happened with Season 1… we will know soon 🙂

  8. ravera

    E’ possibile spostare il territorio dell’alleanza per permettere di attaccare un villaggio che inizialmente non confina con il territorio?

    • cristian

      La regola è: bisogna conquistare prima un dig site di livello 1. A partire da quello si possono conquistare territori adiacenti. I territori in stagione 2 si “toccano” e quindi sono adiacenti anche agli angoli.

  9. Andrea

    How do you get more New Era Recruitment Tickets, beside the free one they give every few days?

    • cristian

      They were available in Season 1 rewards. For now I haven’t seen any other way to get them

  10. W4lDi #222

    Hallo, ist eine HQ Erweiertung von HQ30+ bereits bekannt?

    Vielen Dank für Infos!

    • cristian

      Hi, no info about HQ after level 30 yet…

  11. WulfMichaelson

    Under sources of Coal, add the significant (65k) received for each successful Snowflake meal provided

    • cristian

      Thanks for the hint, I will add it right away 🙂

  12. Eric


    • cristian

      No news yet about season 3, maybe it will be published for new year

  13. Ekkard

    is it possible to capture Cities diagonally ? like dig site

    • cristian

      Yes, both cities and dig sites are adjacent on the corners

  14. Xi

    Hello, we have just finished season 1 and entering season 1 celebration, are there any tips you can share with us to prepare for season 2? such as saving hero’s return tickets for season 2 coal headstart etc.. thank you in advance!

  15. xiaoyuan

    This tutorial is done very well, but I am curious about how the high-definition map is made. Can you tell me the method

    • cristian

      Hi, I didn’t make the maps on my own, other players in the community shared them with me. The easiest way to do them is to merge screenshots taken with a tablet.

  16. Pushkin91

    Сколько времени проходит между 1 и 2 сезоном или 2 сезон начинается сразу?

    • cristian

      After Season 1 there is Season 1 Celebration. Then usually there are 3-4 weeks of pause before Season 2 starts. Anyway you will see an icon below duel vs icon with a countdown at least one week before Season 2 starts on your server

  17. Nazli

    Will it be possible to select Murphy from the hero special weapon selection chests?

    • cristian

      Not for the chests that have the II on it. If I am not wrong in Season 2 Celebration chests with Murphy will be available.

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