Season 1 – Week 3 – Missions and events: Troop type boost, Warzone expeditions, City levels 5 and 6

In this article all missions of week 3 will be explained.

The base guide for RA virus molecule Season 1 – The Crimson Plague can be found at this link.

The most important rules about the War in Season 1 are here: Season 1 – Ultimate War Rules Guide

For each week’s missions and events a separate guide is available to keep these guides mobile friendly:

2 additional guides are also available:


Week 3

There are 4 missions in the third week, they unlock at different times.

All missions share the fact that they have:

  • a reward chest goal, that is an activity performed by the whole warzone to accumulate points to unlock the reward chest
  • a mission goal that is the expected outcome and progression in the game (some of them are paired with a season event of the season as described in this link )

Week3-01: Troop Type Boost

This mission will start day 1 of Week3.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

Unlock the Training Bases for the 3 Troop Types (season specific).

You will be able to build and upgrade the Military Bases: Tank Base, Missile Vehicle Base, Air Force Base
They will disappear on season expiration.

To upgrade them you will need both immune proteins immune protein and mutant crystals mutant crystal.
These buildings can be upgraded up to level 30, regardless of your HQ level.

Each level upgrade will increase the corresponding hero type’s HP, Attack and defense by 1%.

Immune proteins and mutant crystals requirements:

Level to upgrade to Immune Proteins Mutant Crystals Buffs %

Reward chest goal

All warzones work together to donate mutant crystals.

Week3-02: Warzone Expedition

This mission will start day 2 of Week3.  The main event lasts 34 days.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

Head to other Warzones, build Alliance outposts, and conquer new territories.

ATTENTION: With this event at day 6 of Week 3 the Wardays start and every Saturday it will be possible to attack bases of commanders in other Warzones, so prepare shields!!!!


  • After the event starts R4/R5 can place an “Alliance Outposts” in other Warzones
  • Once placed, Commanders can teleport there, starting from the outpost to capture other Military Strongholds within range.
  • Outposts gradually open over time. Each Alliance can have a maximum of 4.
  • Please note, once placed, outposts cannot be retracted.
  • During non-war days (Monday to Friday, Sunday):
    • you can be attacked (and attack) by other commanders from different Warzones when you (they) are on the Contaminated Land
  • During war days (Saturdays):
    • you can also attack bases of commanders in other Warzones
  • The outposts do not need to be connected to what is going to be attacked
  • You can capture any level of city on other warzone, you just need to be connected through a Military Stronghold, so no need to capture level 1 city to capture a level 2 city.
  • When Outposts are placed they have a protection status, so they cannot be attacked until they are build, the more reinforcement they put in place the faster the construction
  • Once an outpost is build it can be attacked with single attacks, no rallies. It is possible to rebuild destroyed outposts.
  • Cities:
    • Once your alliance has occupied strongholds that are connected to the cities, you can declare war.
      • Before the Warzone Declaration Event (3rd day of week 4) starts:
        • Each alliance can declare war twice a day.
      • After the Warzone Declaration Event (3rd day of week 4) starts:
        • War can only be declared on declaration days (Thursday and Saturday), and each alliance can declare war twice a day.

This is the timeline of the event:

As the event starts (2nd day of week 3) you can immediately place an Alliance Outpost in range with Military Strongholds below Level 2 in other Warzones

Outposts timing:

  • 1st: 2nd day of week 3
  • 2nd: 1st day of week 4
  • 3rd: 1st day of week 5
  • 4th: 1st day of week 6

Invasion from other servers

Once the event starts you are able to invade other servers, but also the other servers can invade you, you can see them:

  • in an announcement on the top of the display when they invade
  • on the map where they placed the outpost

When an outpost is placed, the alliance can reinforce it to make it build fast.

Through that outpost, people from the invading alliance can teleport to a the invaded Warzone.

While under construction you cannot attack the outpost.

Attack the outpost

You can attack an outpost once its protection status is expired, but you can do only single attack, no rally. The report of the attack is found in the Season section of the mail

Invade other servers

Once an outpost has been placed on another server it is possible to teleport there accessing the Warzone Expedition menu in the Season 1 event page, from there you can click on the GO button of the first outpost.

When you are on the other server you can start attacking the enemies on tiles, waiting for war day to be able to attack bases.

You can also invade other server going on the Season 1 menu -> Grouping and than clicking on the go button, but you will be able to capture strongholds and cities only on servers on which you put an outpost.

Ranking Reward

This event has also a Ranking for kills done on other Warzones:


Reward chest goal

All warzones work together to Capture 10 Level 4 Cities in total

Week3-03: City Unlock (Level 5)

This mission will start day 2 of Week3.
The reward chest goal is immediately available, the mission goal is delayed by 3 days

Mission goal

The structure of this mission is similar to the others about City unlocks, with the difference that now the capture of the 10 Military Strongholds is used for the reward chest goal and this will be available right away at this mission start, while the main goal of the mission is to capture Level 5 cities, and this part is delayed by X days. See this guide for more info about the event City Clash S1 explained here.

Reward chest goal

All warzones work together to Capture 10 Military Strongholds

Week3-03: City Unlock (Level 6)

This mission will start day 4 of Week3.
The reward chest goal is immediately available, the mission goal is delayed by 3 days

Mission goal

The structure of this mission is similar to the others about City unlocks, with the difference that now the capture of the 10 Military Strongholds is used for the reward chest goal and this will be available right away at this mission start, while the main goal of the mission is to capture Level 6 cities, and this part is delayed by X days. See this guide for more info about the event City Clash S1 explained here.

Reward chest goal

All warzones work together to Capture 10 Military Strongholds

Additional event: DVA’s Exclusive Weapon

Starting from day 4 of week 3, a new exclusive weapon will be available for DVA.

Prerequisites to activate:

  • DVA must have 5 ⭐️

Even if you can activate the new weapon whenever you want (so you have all the time to bring her to 5 ⭐️ ), DVA’s Exclusive Weapon Battle pass , that gives a huge amount of items needed for the activation, will be available only for 7 days.

To activate the exclusive weapon you have to use the following items:

  • 50 DVA’s Exclusive Weapon shards

After activation you can also use the following items to level up the weapon

  • Universal Exclusive Weapon shards universal exclusive weapon shard

You can find 70 DVA’s Exclusive Weapon shards in the DVA’s Exclusive Weapon Battle pass , enough to activate the weapon and to bring it to level 2.

You can find some Universal Exclusive Weapon shards universal exclusive weapon shard in rewards chests in duel VS, in the event “Black Market” that is part of Season 1: Celebration and in some Season 2 activities. With Season 2 additional DVA’s Exclusive Weapon shards arrive through S2 Weapons of Legends.

Exclusive weapon details

  • Levels: up to 30 (it will be very expensive in terms of items to bring it up to level 30)
  • Boosts: Hero HP, Attack and Defense. All-Damage resistance.
  • Additional boots: Increases DVA’s skills max level

2 thoughts on “Season 1 – Week 3 – Missions and events: Troop type boost, Warzone expeditions, City levels 5 and 6

  • N
    August 26, 2024 at 15:39

    Ciao, se si abbandona una città va in protezione oppure è subito disponibile ad essere conquistata?

    • cristian
      August 26, 2024 at 20:44

      Se abbandoni città non va in protezione, e per di più tu stesso che l’hai abbandonata non puoi riprenderla per almeno 5 giorni, mentre le altre alleanze si. Se un avversario la cattura allora va in protezione.

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