The Capitol – Title/Hat/Ministry assignment, boosts and how to request them

Each time a president takes office in the capital, ministries can be assigned.

Ministries (also called hats in the game) provide buffs/boosts to the people they are assigned to.


Ministries/ Titles / Hats

When a ministry is assigned to a player the corresponding boosts can be used.

A ministry assignment has a cooldown period of 5 minutes, meaning the same ministry cannot be re-assigned to anyone before such time has passed.

Usually most of the ministries are assigned only for 5 minutes to each player. There is no limit of how many times a player can get a ministry assigned.

There are mostly 2 types of boosts

  • Speed increase: Construction, Research, Healing, Training
    • An explicit action of the player is needed to take advantage of the buffs
    • These boosts can only take effect when starting these operations.
    • Ongoing constructions, trainings and researches will not be affected by this buff.
    • Once a ministry with this type of buff is assigned to a player the time for the operations (i.e. time of construction of a building) showed by the game already incorporates the buffs
    • Once the operation was started with the lowered time it will not be affected any more regardless of the player having the ministry removed.
  • Capacity enhancements: hospital capacity, unit training cap, unit productions
    • No action from the player is needed to take advantage of the buffs

Example of speed increase and therefore time reduction for construction through Secretary of Development:

Before developer hat assignment

After developer hat assignment

Explanation of the speed increase

When you’re assigned a hat that boosts your construction speed by 50%, you would expect the time to be halved, but that is not how it works.

Let’s do an analogy to explain it better:

  • It takes 100 blocks to build a HQ.
  • Your initial speed is 1 block per minute.
  • So with no hat it would be 100 minutes to build.
  • With a 50% speed increased hat you speeds goes up to 1.5 blocks per minute.
    So the new construction time is:
    time = blocksToBuildHQ / speed = 100 block / 1.5 blocks/minute = 66.7 minutes.
  • The hat increases your build speed 50% which reduces the construct time by 33%.

So you will not see your time be reduced by the same amount the speed % is increased, keep that in mind when you are planning to use speed ups.

Additionally, the more buffs you already own (through skins, decorations, villages, etc.), the less effective a hat is compared to the initial time.

So continuing with the analogy above:

  • you already have 100% construction speed buff so your speed is 2 blocks per minute
  • you get the developer hat that increases your speed by 50% (calculated on the initial 1 block per minute speed) to 2.5 block per minute .
  • so instead of having 33% effectiveness (time reduction), it would be from 100/2 to 100/2.5, which is an effectiveness of only 20% (time reduction).

First Lady (aka FL)

This title is assigned by the president. With the latest updates on the game (starting from March 2024) now a First Lady can nominate the next first lady just like any other hat assignment.

First Lady

The First Lady can assign all other ministries, excluded the president title.

Boosts for construction speed, training speed, and research speed only take effect when you initiate the operation, you will see the required time already lowered from the previous one once you have the ministry.

Ongoing constructions, trainings and researches will not be affected by this buff.

Secretary of Strategy

Secretary of Strategy

Boosts for unit healing rate only take effect when you initiate the operation, you will see the required time already lowered from the previous one once you have the ministry.

Ongoing healings will not be affected by this buff.

Secretary of Security

Secretary of Security

Boosts for training speed only take effect when you initiate the operation, you will see the required time already lowered from the previous one once you have the ministry.

Ongoing trainings will not be affected by this buff.

Secretary of Development

Secretary of Development

Boosts for construction speed and research speed only take effect when you initiate the operation, you will see the required time already lowered from the previous one once you have the ministry.

Ongoing constructions and researches will not be affected by this buff.

Secretary of Science

Secretary of Science

Boosts for construction speed and research speed only take effect when you initiate the operation, you will see the required time already lowered from the previous one once you have the ministry.

Ongoing constructions and researches will not be affected by this buff.

Secretary of Interior

Secretary of Interior

Boosts will be applied for the duration you have the ministry, no operation needed by the player to take advantage of this buff.

Request a hat/title – How to

Most of the servers have some sort of agreement on how First Lady (FL) hands out ministries to players. Priority lists, exclusions or inclusions might apply but the way for requesting a ministry usually is this:

  1. Locate the FL
    • Go to the capitol, click on the capitol, click on “Management”, from here you can see who the president’s wife is. You can on the player avatar and then Chat to send message to First Lady.
  2. Send a private chat message to the First Lady asking for the hat/title you would like:
    • “I would like to obtain the hat/function of Minister of Science.”
  3. Send your coordinates to the First Lady now:
    • Go to your base, go into map mode, click on your base, use the share button, share with the First Lady
  4. The First Lady will give you an estimate of how long it will take based on how many are in line
  5. The First Lady will assign you the hat/title, you will have 10 minutes .
  6. Tell the First Lady wife when you’re done

You will know when the hat is assigned to you because:

  • Usually First Lady messages you telling you that you received the hat
  • A symbol corresponding to the hat you have appears:
    • on top of your base in map mode
    • next to your username in the chat messages
  • An announcement banner on the top of the map mode is show saying that you were appointed minster
  • You receive an email with the title assignment information

Symbol of developer appears on top of the base and next to chat username:

Mail with title details:

Announcement on map mode

First Lady assignment job – How To

The First Lady can take advantage of the buffs provided by that ministry but the First Lady also has an important job to do: assign ministries to other players to allow them to use the buffs.

Usually this is done continuously with assignments lasting 10 minutes for each player.

A First Lady can assign a new title in a very simple way:

  • Request a player to indicate which ministry is wanted
  • Request the player to send the location on map of his base
  • First Lady locates the base of the player on the map and clicks on it
  • First Lady clicks on the Title assignment icon icon in this screen
    Ministry assignment - Base
  • First Lady clicks on the requested title and confirms
    Ministry assignment - Titles
  • Please note that if a ministry was already assigned to a player then the usability of assigning that ministry to another player is not very good: you have to click on the blue shape of the ministry and not on the player’s avatar or name. So if when you try to assign the title the current player profile pops up just close it and try to click on the border of the button of the ministry.

Important: If less than 10 minutes have passed since last assignment of the same ministry the game will show a small message saying it is not possible to do the assignment.

Here a video of assigning the Secretary of Development to a new player:

11 thoughts on “The Capitol – Title/Hat/Ministry assignment, boosts and how to request them

  • Kissyah
    April 10, 2024 at 21:48

    THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR THIS!! super helpful!! I’ve been trying to find screenshots of how it works..

    • cristian
      April 10, 2024 at 21:50

      You are welcome, I’m happy it helps 🙂

  • Sam
    April 12, 2024 at 12:17

    Thanks Cristian. Appreciate the time effort you put into this document.

  • Celi
    April 28, 2024 at 16:18

    How to remove and assign a new player for a buff?

    • cristian
      April 28, 2024 at 18:23

      You don’t need to remove a player from a buff. Just assign the new one. As explained in the guide you have to click on the title you want to assign but when a player is already assigned it is a bit tricky because you don’t have to click on the player avatar or name but on the remaining part of the title button to be able to assign the title.

  • Minna
    May 27, 2024 at 11:28

    Could there be a guide on how to be a good president?

    • cristian
      May 31, 2024 at 00:41

      I have never been president… so I don’t know all the tools available 🙂

  • JL
    June 11, 2024 at 04:00

    Is it possible to remove someone from a buff before their time is up? In my server, I received a buff but then it was gone just 2-3 minutes after I got the email. The icon near my name was gone and the position in the capitol showed a countdown. Is it possible the FL removed me? Or maybe there was a delay in me getting the email?

    • cristian
      June 11, 2024 at 22:25

      Yes, the FL can remove you from a title ahead of time, but FL cannot assign a new person to that title before the cooldown period of 5 minutes passed.

  • Kissyah
    June 14, 2024 at 23:37

    So there’s a new update in the game and it has completely revamped how to request titles, New UI, etc I hope you update this guide soon. Im so demanding hahaha Thank you in advance 💖

    • cristian
      June 15, 2024 at 17:17

      Hey, yes I will update it soon 🙂

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