Squads – Setup correctly your squads to maximize power using the formation boost

To maximize the power of your heroes you need to make sure to build your squads properly.


Squad formation basics

As seen in the heroes guide, each hero has its type and ability, moreover its peculiar features.

To maximize the effect of their specific properties heroes should be positioned in the proper way in a squad.

Defense hero defender heroes should be placed at the front of the team.

Attack hero attacker or support hero support heroes should be placed at the back.

Example of a squad at the first stages of the game (I suggest you use this squad if you are not big spender):

  • Murphy and “ Viola ” on defense and therefore on the front line
  • Kimberly and Mason are on the attack and therefore you put them in the back
  • a support hero Marshall in the back .

Troop Type Counter – Formation bonus

Starting after the first capitol conquest (last phase of City Clash when the capitol can be conquered) a new feature unlocks in the squad formation section , it is the Troop Type Counter.

You will see which bonus you are currently using by this symbol in the upper left corner in the squad formation section: Troop Type Counter

Boost hero HP, attack and defense:

  • 3 heroes of same type: +5%
  • 3 heroes of same type + 2 of another: +10%
  • 4 heroes of same type: +15%
  • 5 heroes of same type: 20%

Below you can see 2 different squads, the first one takes advantage of the best 5 same type hero bonus +20% boost, while the second one only the +15% boost as it includes 4 tanks and an aircraft.

If you have all the heroes of the same type (in my case all tanks) then you will have a 20% power bonus, furthermore if you upgrade the tank building it increases the power of all the tank heroes.

Most of the players in the game will start with an all tank type squad, you could take advantage of this and create a squad that includes multiple types of heroes even if so you will not get the top +20%.

For example you could take advantage of the +10% boost using 3 tanks and 2 aircrafts , and leverage the fact that aircrafts take only 80% of damage from tank enemies as described in the hero section.

Many battle outcomes depend on multiple factors as you can see, its up to you to find the right strategy and invest on it.

Hero EXP and shards

You will earn a lot of Hero EXP and shards , but you should use them carefully.

Don’t waste EXP and shards upgrading all heroes, only upgrade the ones you use on your first team for now. It makes sense to use EXP and shards on second and third squad only if you decide to spend in the game, if you are free to play you shouldn’t.

To upgrade a hero’s level the number of EXP required increases with the level number.

To level up a hero’s class the number of shards required will increase with the class level.

Squads and soldiers

When carrying out an attack or rally with a team, soldiers are added to the base power of the heroes.

The quantity of soldiers that are included in the attack depends on the March size attribute of the heroes included in the team.

In the example above you can see that the unit count (soldiers) participating in the attack is 1,184 (252 with Murphy, 226 with Viola, etc ) and by clicking on the i the information appears that they are level T5 soldiers.

Given 1,184 T5 level soldiers (whose single power is 409, and load 1200 as seen in the figure below) it follows that these troops add:

  • 1.184*409 = 484.256 power points to the team
  • 1,184*1200 = 1,420,800 load points. This means that if you attack a base and that base has iron/food/gold resources, that attack will steal this amount of resources from the opponent if you win the attack (unless the opponent’s amount of protection). The resources stolen per type are proportional to the amount of each type that the opponent has. For example, if the opponent has almost all iron then proportionately most of the iron load points will be stolen

Note that if available, soldiers with higher levels will always be used first, then those with lower levels are taken to fill.

[I will expand this squads section very soon]


  1. JJ

    Hello, could you elaborate on how increase march size?

    • cristian

      March size depends on the heroes you have in your squad, in fact one of the attributes is called March squad (previously command). You can increase march size by leveling up your hero and there are also specific researches that level up march size, but right now I don’t remember in which tree.

  2. David

    Are you joking with the two different squad comparisons? You’re comparing a level 145 4-star Marshall to a level 143 2-star tier 1 DVA…

    • cristian

      That example wanted to show the icon of troop type counter changing when you have all tanks or 4 tanks+1 air, it was not meant to compare the 2 heroes. I might need to rephrase it I guess. Anyway I will re-write completely this guide as soon as I am done with season 3. Thanks for the feedback

  3. Jimmy

    What does upgrading the 4 bases or pads outside the base do for your team? My 1st squad is Level 20…I see march speed increase…anything else and should I bother upgrading these?

    • cristian

      March speed is very important during war, so that’s why you should level up those bases. My suggestion is to focus on the one of your first squad.

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