Season 1 – Week 8 – Rewards for Contributions, End of Season

The most important rules about the War in Season 1 are here: Season 1 – Ultimate War Rules Guide

For each week’s missions and events a separate guide is available to keep these guides mobile friendly:

2 additional guides are also available:


Week 8

There is 1 mission in the eighth week.

This Week is characterized by the fact that it is a settlement period and the season 1 is going to be reset.

All missions share the fact that they have:

  • a reward chest goal, that is an activity performed by the whole warzone to accumulate points to unlock the reward chest
  • a mission goal that is the expected outcome and progression in the game (some of them are paired with a season event of the season as described in this link )

Week8-01: Rewards for Contributions

During this week Rewards for the Season can be distributed based on the Alliance ranking.

Also Warzone Influence rewards are distributed.

Mission goal

R5s and Butlers can distribute Season 1 Rewards that the Alliance won based on the effort of each player.

Additionally you will receive Warzone Influence Rewards via mail

Assign Rewards Page

This is the page through which Rewards can be assigned.

All rewards must be assigned, once all are assigned a distribution button will appear and it will let the R5 execute the actual distirubtion of the rewards.

Please note: you can invite people from outside of your alliance to give them rewards but each player will be able to receive only 1 season reward, so hopping from one alliance to another and trying to get more rewards is useless.

Check all the Season rewards tier in this article

Reward chest goal

As soon as 10 Alliances competed distribution of the rewards the reward chest goal is met

End of Season – Settlement Period

At the beginning of Week 8 you will receive a mail with the following content:

The main points are:

  • No more Military Stronghold and City Captures
  • The map will remain frozen to the season 1 until further notice, it is not possible to capture cities.
  • No more teleport among warzones
  • All season related resource as Immune Protein, Mutation Crystal and Genetic Fragments will be cleared (converted into profession exp) so use them.
  • Season buildings will be removed at the end of the season (Military bases for Tank, Aircraft and Missile too, and you will lose their power increase)

Day 7 of Week 8 the following things happen:

  • Season 1 icon disappears and so access to all its menu (Professions are still accessible through the Profession Hall, check out this guide )
  • All items regarding Season 1 in the Alliance menu disappear (Season Milestones, etc.)
  • Alliance Cities will only show your own Warzone Cities and buffs as other Warzones are not accessible any more and don’t count for city buffs
  • Season Specific resources Immune Proteins and Mutant Crystals disappear from HUD
  • Season Specific buildings disappear
  • Hero’s Return Recruiting disappears but the tickets will be saved in the inventory under the hero section for the future season
  • Radar missions don’t reward season specific items any more (immune proteins, mutant crystals, genetic fragments)
  • You receive a mail with season specific items being converted into Profession EXP
    • Genetic Fragments
    • Mutant Crystals
    • Immune Proteins
  • Doom Elites are back to normal
  • World zombies go back to normal
  • Fields and iron/gold mines of level 11/12 disappear
  • No access to view other warzones any more
  • Professions:
    • Season Specific Skills are disabled and you get refunded the Skill Points used on them

What remains of Season 1 at its end?

  • The map with Military Strongholds and Cities, but they cannot be captured
  • Exclusive Weapons of Heroes obtained during Season 1
  • Season Store and Season medals will be available during Season 1: Celebration and even during Season 2
  • Hero’s Return Recruiting will be saved in the inventory under the hero section for the future season


  1. Anonymous

    So if you are a really weak warzone and all your cities have been captured by other warzones, you cannot recapture them after the season ends?
    Also, do the non-season specific profession skills stay active after the season ends?

    • cristian

      Correct. I guess we need to wait for season 2, I am not sure when cities will be up to capture again. After season 1 all capture of strongholds and cities are on hold.
      Non-season specific profession skills stay active. Furthermore you can switch profession and activate more skills or upgrade some using the refund of season specific skills

  2. Anonymous

    When are you able to distribute season rewards? Our r5 has assigned them but they haven’t gone out yet. Is there something else we need to do?

    • cristian

      As far as I know they are received immediately when assigned. You can assign starting from day 1 of week 8

  3. Shawn

    Can people be assigned more than 1 rewards chest?

    • cristian

      It seems that it is possible, but I didn’t test it personally. It is not possible to receive more than one season reward per person

  4. fex

    Hola, quisiera consultar, las medallas de temporada siguen en el inventario en la temporada 2? Gracias

    • cristian

      Yes season medals you win in season 1 will be kept in inventory and can be used also in season 2

  5. Camo291

    Love your guides!

    Do you know how much influence points each level of Stronghold has?

    • cristian

      No sorry, I didn’t write them down.

  6. Bill

    Do the maps reset to the pre-seasonal map at the end of Season 1? Do all the lvl 6 cities become permanently assigned to whichever alliance held them at the end of the Season?

    • cristian

      At the end of Season 1, the map stays unchanged, with no further captures allowed. Cities and strongholds remain under the control of their last owners at the final moment of Season 1. The map will undergo a complete reset, with all captures reset, only when Season 2 begins.

  7. N

    In distributing awards, how does one give an award to someone from a different alliance? Presumably they’d be receiving an award from their own alliance as well. You mentioned in the article that one can only receive one season award, but in response to another question you said that it seems like it’s possible to assign someone more than one award. Just trying to figure out how reward those who’ve helped us. Thanks in advance!

    • cristian

      Hi, I just edited the previous comment in which I said I thought it was possible: it is confirmed that you can receive only 1 season reward. If you want to give an award to someone outside your alliance you need to make that person join your alliance and R5 or the butler assign the reward to that person. The rewards will be given only once the distribute button is clicked by the R5, so basically you have a whole week to assign or re-assign, but only when the R5 clicks on distribute they are actually sent out and it is final.

      • tony

        Is it distributed one by one per member or all in one click to all member?

        • cristian

          The rewards are assigned one by one… but only when the distribute button is clicked they are actually delivered all at once.

  8. eb

    Can you please elaborate more on the “Please note: you can invite people from outside of your alliance to give them rewards but each player will be able to receive only 1 season reward, so hopping from one alliance to another and trying to get more rewards is useless.” ? I see no option to give rewards to people outside of alliance. What “invite” means? To join the alliance so they can get them?

    • cristian

      Yes, correct. They join your alliance, then you assign and then you distribute. Remember that the rewards are sent out only when you click on distribute and that that is the final action. And you can distribute only once. P.s. every player can only receive 1 season rewards.

  9. Leo

    can you save season rewards for future use

    • cristian

      Yes you can save season merit medal for next season, and the season store will remain available at least until season 2 celebration

  10. Blicksem

    Does the recource conversion apply to unused resources, or are the seasonal building converted to the resources used during the season?

    • cristian

      Resource conversion only applies to unused resources that are in inventory and in Season 1 also to protein and crystals that you see in the counters below food/iron/gold in the HUD. My suggestion is to consume the seasonal resources if possible, for example you get a good amount of profession exp if you upgrade seasonal buildings usually

  11. tarkumont

    im an R5 how do i get my reward?
    i didnt got it per mail
    aswell as i cant klick my self to reward my self

    • cristian

      You first need to assign rewards and then click distribute. Once you did that you will receive your rewards via mail

  12. Anonymous

    Can exclusive weapons from season 1 be obtained in season 2?

    • cristian

      Yes, you will be able to buy them with black market money in season 1 celebration and then starting from season 2 in many other ways.

  13. Hulzy

    I have members in my alliance that have the builder status stopping us from allocating the remaining 4 rewards chests. How do I get to the release button with chests still awaiting allocation without anyone else being able to recieve them?

    • cristian

      Hi, unfortunately I am not familiar with the builder status because it is something new in the Season 1, let’s see if someone knows.

      • Tom

        Hey, is there any reason why the distribute option isn’t appearing

        • cristian

          You need to assign all rewards first, then it should appear. Only R5 can do distribution but butler can help with assigning rewards.

  14. tony

    what happen if member of alliance go to another alliance before the alliance reward of the seasonwas given? Do they still get the reward?

    • cristian

      It depends. R5 will decide when to hit the “distribute rewards” button, if someone is not in the alliance when the distribution is done then they don’t get the reward. Please not that before distribute the R5 and the butler will assign rewards, but only when the distribute button is hit they will be actually distributed

  15. Oldg

    What happens when the distribute rewards button is not available? As r5 I have have 7 rewards left to assign but don’t have a complete roster. Do I need to recruit new ppl to assign to?

    • cristian

      I read there might be some issues if people that were in a builder alliance join your alliance and as a solution you should ask them to leave the alliance, distribute the rewards and then ask them to come back. But I have no direct experience over this as the builder alliance feature is something completely new. And no, you don’t need to recruit more people to distribute rewards, the important thing is you assign the rewards to each person, once done the distribute button should be available.

  16. guillaume

    Bonjour, est ce que les tickets de recrutement “retour du héros” seront encore valable lors de la saison 2 ? ou faut il les utiliser avant la fin du compte a rebours sur la page correspondante?

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