Heroes – Power up your squads with the best heroes with powerful skills

Heroes, their upgrade and their placement in the squads are crucial to being able to win against other players and missions in the game. Here you can find all the information about the best heroes in Last War.



Heroes have the following characteristics:

  • Rarity: UR (legendary) hero ur, SSR (epic) hero ssr, SR (rare) hero sr
  • Type: Tank hero type tank, Missile Vehicle hero type missile, Aircraft hero type aircraft
  • Abilities: Defense hero defender, Attack hero attacker, Support hero support
  • Attributes: Attack, HP, Defense, Command

It is important which heroes you choose and where you place them in your squad to maximize your attack/defense power.

Hero can be equipped with gears that give them more power, so please first read this article that explain gears and how to build them


Each hero has attributes that vary based on:

  • rarity
  • hero level
  • building level of the hero type (tank building, missile building)
  • research

In the image above you can see such attributes for Murphy.

AttackAttack points
PSLife points
DefenseDefense points
CommandQuantity of soldiers (troops) that the hero brings with him when attacking or rallying, regardless of the level of the individual soldier.


As explained before there are 3 levels of rarity in heroes:

  • UR (legendary) hero ur
  • SSR (epic) hero ssr
  • SR (rare) hero sr

with UR being the most powerful, then SSR and finally SR.

Throughout the game you will be able to win many SSR and SR heroes but you will have to wait a long time before many other UR heroes will be available for free. Many of UR heroes are available only through purchase.

In the first 1/2 weeks you will be able to win for free Murphy that is a UR Tank defender, and Kimberly (UR Tank attacker) will be available for purchase right away at a very low cost.


There are 3 types of heroes:

  • Tank hero type tank
  • Missile Vehicle hero type missile
  • Aircraft hero type aircraft

It is important to know that the type of the hero has an effect on which other type it is more effective on the damage amount.


  • Aircraft heroes take 80% of damages from Tank heroes
  • Missile heroes take 80% of damages from Aircraft heroes
  • Tank heroes take 80% of damage from Missile heroes

So basically it is a circular -20% damage taken.

At the beginning of the game most of the players will use Tank heroes, so you can use this information to decide on your strategy, if you want to create a diverse squad to leverage the effects explained above.

For example if you are a spender it could make sense to buy aircraft heroes as in this way you will most probably have a -20% damage given the fact that most use Tank heroes.


There are 3 types of abilities within heroes:

  • Defense hero defender
  • Attack hero attacker
  • Support hero support

Defense hero

They are the heroes who have the shield symbol hero defender at the top right corner.

They have the task of being in the front row of the team and absorbing damage while the attack and support heroes in the second row generate damages to the opponents.

They are very strong at taking damages, the best way to upgrade is equipping them with:

  • Armor equipment armor legendary
  • Radar equipment radar legendary

Attack Hero

They are the heroes who have the fire symbol hero attacker at the top right corner.

They have the task of staying in the second row and causing damages to their opponents.

They are very strong at causing damage, the best way to upgrade them with these equipments:

  • Cannons (Turrets) equipment cannon legendary
  • Chip equipment chip legendary

Support Hero

They are the heroes who have the cross symbol hero support in the top right corner

They are tasked with standing in the back row and helping cause damage to opponents with special abilities.

Hero Upgrades

All heroes share the fact that they can be updated in Experience Level, Stars/Tier and Skills.

When you recruit a hero, at the beginning he/she will have:

  • Experience Level: 1
  • Stars: 0 ⭐️
  • All Skills are at level 1 or they are locked

Experience Level: 1

Skills: level 1 or locked

Stars: 0 ⭐️

Experience Level Upgrade

To upgrade a Hero Experience Level you need to collect EXP chests (they can be of various types: epic, legendary, rare based on the amount of EXP they contain):

To upgrade a Hero Experience level just go on the hero and click the green Upgrade button, you will see the Level increment and with it:

  • Power
  • Attack
  • HP
  • Defense
  • Troop Capacity

It is always possible to click on each attribute to see what boosts that specific attribute.

Usually the biggest boost in all attributes is given by the Experience Level.

To upgrade each level the amount of EXP increases. The EXP amount needed for each level does not depend on the Hero Rarity (UR/SSR/SR) or their type (tank, missile, aircraft).

Stars/Tiers Upgrade

To upgrade a Hero Star/Tier Level you need to collect the corresponding Hero Shards, for each hero you can either use:

  • The specific Hero Shard, for example for Mason: mason shard
  • The universal shard of the same rarity level, for example given Mason it is the Universal SSR Shards (called in the game Epic Hero Universal Shards):

A Hero can be upgrade up to 5 ⭐️. To earn each star 5 tiers of stars need to be earned doing the Hero Promotion.

Each star level has a different price per tier:

  • First ⭐️: each tier 5 shards = 5×5 = 25 shards
  • Second ⭐️: each tier 10 shards = 5×10 = 50 shards
  • Third ⭐️: each tier 20 shards = 5×20 = 100 shards
  • Forth ⭐️: each tier 60 shards = 5×60 = 300 shards
  • Fifth ⭐️: each tier 100 shards = 5×100 = 500 shards

So to fully upgrade a Hero to 5 ⭐️ you will need a total of: 975 shards (can be mixed hero specific and universal of same rarity)

Upgrading the ⭐️ level on a hero unlocks Skills.

Below you can see a sequence of Hero Promotion to bring her up to 1 ⭐️

ATTENTION: In Season 1 it will be possible to upgrade Mason to UR, and only in that case the price to level him up on 5 ⭐️ it will cost the double amount of shards (1950 shards). Check Mason upgrade to UR article.

Skills Upgrade

Each Hero has specific Skills that can be leveled up.

The skills get progressively unlocked upgrading the Hero’s ⭐️ , the higher the Hero’s ⭐️ the higher the Skills level can reach.

Available heroes

The game will start with few heroes, and the more you play the more heroes will be made available to be won through recruit tickets or through purchase.

To check which heroes can be won using tickets you can go to “Heroes” section and click on the icon “i” on the upper left corner. Here you will see the probability of drop of each hero shard.

Example of 59 days old server

Example of days old server

Below a list of Heroes you can find in the game and their skills.

Mason – Raging Marksman

This hero will be available almost immediately at the beginning of the game. He is a powerful attacker. And spoiler alert: he is the first hero that can be upgraded to UR in the future Season 1 (when the server is 4 months old).

  • rarity: SSR
  • type: tank
  • ability: attacker


Tactics: Fire CoverAttack with a Minigun, dealing Physical Damage equals to X% (Scales with level) of the Attack. (Cooldown: 1.1s)
Passive: Zombie PurgeBoost back-row Tank Heroes’ Damage vs monsters in Battle by X% (Scales with level).
Auto Attack: Quick ReloadAttack with a minigun, dealing Physical Damage equals to X% (Scales with level) of the attack. (Cooldown: 9s)
Expertise: Super SensingSelf HP, Attack, and Defense +10% respectively.

Suggested order in which to level up the skills:

  1. Auto Attack: Quick Reload
  2. Tactics: Fire Cover
  3. Expertise: Super Sensing
  4. Passive: Zombie Purge

Mason Upgrade to UR

Starting from RA virus molecule Season 1 – The Crimson Plague, it will be possible to upgrade Mason to UR hero type, check it out in this article: Mason upgrade to UR.

Murphy – Unyielding Warrior

This is the first UR hero you can win in the game, he is a powerful defender and should be in your first squad, since he can adsorb a lot of damage.

  • rarity: UR
  • type: tank
  • ability: defender


Auto Attack: Cannon FireFires a cannonball at the enemy, dealing Physical Damage equals to XX% (Scales with level) of the Attack. (Cooldown: 1.6s)
Passive: Stand FirmReduce all damage taken in battle by XX% (Scales with level) for front-row units.
Tactics: Ironclad BarrierAfter casting the skill, boost the Physical Damage Reduction of the front-row units by X% (Scales with level) for 5s. (Cooldown: 10s)
Expertise: Super SensingSelf HP, Attack, and Defense +20% respectively. Skill cooldown rate +10%

Suggested order in which to level up the skills:

  1. Passive: Stand Firm
  2. Tactics: Ironclad Barrier
  3. Expertise: Super Sensing
  4. Auto Attack: Cannon Fire

Murphy’s Exclusive Weapon

Starting from 🧊 Season 2 – Polar Storm, a new exclusive weapon will be available for Murphy, check it out in this article: Murphy’s Exclusive Weapon

The exclusive Weapon will give a huge boost of power and attributes.

It will also increase levels of skills.

Kimberly – Rocket Shadow

This is the first attacker UR hero you will be able to buy and it is for a very low amount.

Buying Kimberly gives you a huge advantage in attack power and allows you also to change your avatar.

  • rarity: UR
  • type: tank
  • ability: attacker


Auto Attack: Energy AssaultFire a rocket at a random enemy, dealing Energy Damage equals to X% (Scales with upgraded level) of the Attack. (Cooldown: 1.55s)
Passive: Energy BoostsBoost this hero’s Energy Damage by X (Scales with level) in battle.
Tactics: Barrage StrikeFire 8 rockets at random enemies, each dealing a devastating amount of Energy Damage equals to X (Scales with level) of the Attack. (Cooldown: 10s)
Expertise: Super SensingSelf HP, Attack, and Defense +20% respectively. Skill cooldown rate +10%.

Suggested order in which to level up the skills:

  1. Passive: Energy Boost
  2. Auto Attack: Energy Assault
  3. Expertise: Super Sensing
  4. Tactics: Barrage Strike

Exclusive Weapon – Rocket Shadow

Starting from RA virus molecule Season 1 – The Crimson Plague, a new exclusive weapon will be available for Kimberly, check it out in this article: Kimberly’s Exclusive Rocket Shadow.

The exclusive Weapon will give a huge boost of power and attributes.

It will also increase levels of skills.

Marshall – Blade of Legion

  • rarity: UR
  • type: tank
  • ability: support

Marshall’s Exclusive Weapon

Starting from ☀️ Season 3 – Golden Kingdom a new exclusive weapon will be available for Marshall, check it out in this article: Marshall’s Exclusive Weapon

The exclusive Weapon will give a huge boost of power and attributes.

It will also increase levels of skills.

DVA – Blade Striker

  • rarity: UR
  • type: aircraft
  • ability: attacker

Starting from RA virus molecule Season 1 – The Crimson Plague, a new exclusive weapon will be available for DVA, check it out in this article DVA’s Exclusive Weapon

Carlie – Scamp

  • rarity: UR
  • type: aircraft
  • ability: defender

Starting from 🧊 Season 2 – Polar Storm, a new exclusive weapon will be available for Carlie, check it out in this article: Carlie’s Exclusive Weapon

Swift – Thunder

  • rarity: UR
  • type: missile
  • ability: attacker

Starting from 🧊 Season 2 – Polar Storm, a new exclusive weapon will be available for Swift, check it out in this article: Swift’s Exclusive Weapon

Tesla – Magnetic Expert

  • rarity: UR
  • type: missile
  • ability: attacker

Tesla’s Exclusive Weapon

Starting from RA virus molecule Season 1 – The Crimson Plague, a new exclusive weapon will be available for Tesla, check it out in this article Tesla’s Exclusive Weapon

Williams – Storm Hunter

  • rarity: UR
  • type: tank
  • ability: defender

Shuyler – Magblade

  • rarity: UR
  • type: aircraft
  • ability: attacker

Morrison – The Reaper

  • rarity: UR
  • type: aircraft
  • ability: attacker

Lucius – Sky Knight

  • rarity: UR
  • type: aircraft
  • ability: defender

Fiona – Lion Club

  • rarity: UR
  • type: missile
  • ability: attacker

Stetmann – EM Hunter

  • rarity: UR
  • type: tank
  • ability: attacker

McGregor – Ironclad General

  • rarity: UR
  • type: missile
  • ability: defender

Adam – Titan

  • rarity: UR
  • type: missile
  • ability: defender


  1. ali7reza3

    This is one of the best games I’ve ever played.

    • cristian

      I like this game too 🙂

  2. Metro

    Thanks for this awesome write-up! Could you also share the best way to upgrade support heroes? Like defense goes with armors and attack goes with cannons. With support heroes would it make sense to upgrade any of the gears? Also for the weak heroes like SR that are not in any squad, is it worth equipping them with gears and keeping them in the base, or just unequip them and recall them from the base?

    • cristian

      Support heroes usually provide nice skills that help overall the squad, they are not defense heroes so usually I equip them with attack gear. It makes sense to check their attack/defense attributes and their skills before making a choice. For SR heroes that you don’t use remove equipment and dismantle that equipment in the Gear Factory to gain the materials to make better gear

  3. Bockrr

    It can be hard to judge the potential of new heros. Most of them don’t come into their own until 3-4 stars and you can’t just pop a hero 20 levels lower into your main squad and accurately compare.

    One overlooked gem is Violet. Her second skill says “targets front 2 units”. In actuality it hits everything around her. Makes her a total beast in zombie missions especially once you get gold turret and marshall to increase crit rate. You can also upgrade her quickly due to her shards being for sale in alliance shop.

    It is kind of sad that no blue/common heroes are worth investing in and there’s nothing to do with them (besides maybe getting them onto the wall of honor to slightly buff your other heros’ stats)

    For purples, Mason and Violet are great heros that last well into your 20s and beyond. Scarlett and Monica are kind of borderline. If you don’t spend money on heros you will probably need to keep them for a while. The rest seem like garbage (or maybe I just haven’t invested enough to see their potential)

  4. N

    Ciao, è possibile sapere in anticipo quanti EXP servono per aumentare il livello dell’eroe?
    Esempio LV 140 a LV 14 140M – LV 141 a LV 142 ?


    Привет , так кого лучше качать из магазина ? Вайолет или Мейсон ?

    • cristian

      It depends… the biggest advantage they give is to bring them up in the wall of honor. Mason will increase all tank attack while Violet will increase tank hero HP. Up to you which one you need more. I chose Mason.

  6. Baaad

    Why is UR Taylor not in this tutorial?

    • cristian

      Taylor and Shirley are not Heroes but Survivors that are deployed on the HQ. I didn’t write yet a guide about Survivors, maybe I will do it soon, I need first to gather info.

  7. BulletStopper

    Hi, Would you reckon it is effiecient to spend honor points on blueprints or the exclusive weapon tokens? As both are now available in the honor shop, we are debating which is more handy.

    • cristian

      Hi, my suggestion: only spend honor points for blueprints, nothing else. Blueprints are rare, exclusive weapon token can be found in multiple rewards later on.

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