Supply Collections (Scattered Supplies) – Locations where to find them

Supply Collections are treasures that can be found heating the lands, and when 0 °C are reached they can appear randomly. But it looks like even if their disposition in the map is random, they have the same locations on all servers, so here a nice list of places where you can find them. More info about supply collections can be found here.

I will try to add more locations when people share them, feel free to send me locations on discord (my username: cristian.84.)

IMPORTANT: if you look for these locations and you don’t find any supply collection (after heating the land to at least 0°C degrees) it might be that someone else from your server or any other server of your Season 2 grouping did already discover them.

(Special thanks to 357#Alex c, that sent me a huge amount of images with locations that allowed me to start this page, and fizymen for the constant updates )

🧊 Season 2 – Polar Storm guides are divided into more articles to keep these guides mobile friendly:


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7


  1. Kayak

    Al parecer se puede mover el horno, pero solo he visto esa posibilidad al terminar de construirlo. Una vez pasado ese primer momento ya no se puede. Con lo que no puede trasladarse para calentar el suelo a otras zonas y descubrir los tesoros escondidos con él.

    • cristian

      You can move the furnace as many times as you want but you have to follow the procedure. 1) Place the relocation spot 2) Build the relocation spot 3) Transfer the furnace to the relocation spot. Only if you complete all 3 steps you can place again the relocation spot to any other location.

      • Kayak

        Sí, Cristiano. Eso lo tengo claro, pero leí en la guía que se podía mover para usarlo como truco para calentar el suelo y poder encontrar los tesoros escondidos por el hielo. Pero ya me queda claro que eso no es posible. Gracias por contestar.

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