Season 1 – Week 1 – Missions and events: Protein Farm, Virus Research Institute, Genetic Recombination and City/Stronghold captures, Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon

In this article all missions of week 1 will be explained.

The base guide for RA virus molecule Season 1 – The Crimson Plague can be found at this link.

The most important rules about the War in Season 1 are here: Season 1 – Ultimate War Rules Guide

For each week’s missions and events a separate guide is available to keep these guides mobile friendly:

2 additional guides are also available:


Week 1

There are 5 missions in the first week, they unlock at different times.

Additionally the event Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon starts at day one even if it is not listed in the weekly events.

All missions share the fact that they have:

  • a reward chest goal, that is an activity performed by the whole warzone to accumulate points to unlock the reward chest. Once this goal is completed the mission goal is unlocked (unless specified otherwise)
  • a mission goal that is the expected outcome and progression in the game (some of them are paired with a season event of the season as described in this link )

Week1-01: Unlock Virus Research Institute

This mission will start day 1 of Week1.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

The main goal is to unlock the Virus Research Institute to increase the Virus Resistance:

  • Level up Virus Research Institute to increase Virus Resistance. To level it up you need immune protein immune protein
  • To generate immune protein immune protein you need Protein Farms. To level up Protein Farms you need mutant crystals mutant crystal
  • To earn mutant crystals mutant crystal you need to do first kills zombie level.

In the new resource section you will find a complete list on how to increase immune protein and mutant crystals. Here there is only the quick way is suggested.

So basically all you need to do is:

  1. Kill zombie with highest level finding them with the magnifying glass search on map
  2. Level up Protein Farms
  3. Use Protein to level up Virus Research Institute
  4. Repeat from 1.

But be careful, if you attack zombies for which you don’t have the right virus resistance you will have damage debuffs. Even with damage debuffs you can still defeat some zombies but with more troop loss. If the debuff is too strong (Damage dealt %) it’s better to not attack directly but to use rally strategy described in the Game Action paragraph

To avoid huge troop loss you can ask help from your allies:

  • Create a 1 hero squad, with the hero that has the lowest command attribute (so to bring along less troops)
  • Launch rally on doom elite monsters, asking to participate to those that have enough Virus Resistance to be able to kill the zombie

With this approach you defeat the zombie and therefore you earn a lot of mutant crystals mutant crystal, with a minimum troop loss.

Reward chest goal

All warzones work together to donate food (similar to Alliance Tech donations) to unlock important rewards containing the 2 new precious resources: immune protein immune protein and mutant crystals mutant crystal .

Based on the amount donated by each player there is an individual donation ranking with rewards

Week1-02: Unlock Protein Farm

This mission will start day 1 of Week1.
Both reward chest and mission goals are immediately available.

Mission goal

The mission goal is to unlock and level up Protein Farms.

Multiple Protein Farms are available. To unlock them level up the previous Protein Farm (they are named Protein Farms I / II /III / IV / V). To level them up you basically have to execute the same action as described in the Unlock of the Virus research center goal, so refer to previous paragraph to know what to do in this event.

Reward chest goal

All warzones work together to donate mutant crystals to unlock important rewards containing the 2 new precious resources: immune protein immune protein and mutant crystals mutant crystal .

Based on the amount donated by each player there is an individual donation ranking with rewards

Week1-03: Genetic Recombination

This mission will start day 2 of Week1.
The reward chest goal is immediately available, the mission goal is delayed by 24 hours

Mission goal

The mission goal will start in correspondence with the Season 1 week event called Genetic Recombination explained here

Reward chest goal

All warzones work together to kill 2000 World Map monsters in total

Week1-04: City Unlocks (Level 1)

This mission will start day 3 of Week1.
The reward chest goal is immediately available, the mission goal is delayed by 24 hours

Mission goal

The main goal of the mission is to capture Level 1 cities, it is delayed by 24 hours, and will start in correspondence with the Season 1 week event called City Clash S1 explained here.

I know this is a bit confusing considering that in season 1 you can capture both Military Stronholds and Cities: with this mission you will be able to start capturing Military Strongholds (a new map tile territory) for the reward chest goal, but to capture City Level 1 (the mission goal) instead you have to wait for the City Clash S1 event to start (so at day 4 of Week1)

Reward chest goal

All warzones work together to Capture 10 Military Strongholds in total

Week1-05: City Unlocks (Level 2)

This mission will start day 4 of Week1.
The reward chest goal is immediately available, the mission goal is delayed by 3 days

Mission goal

The structure of this mission is similar to the one above (“City Unlocks (Level 1)”), with the difference that now the capture of the City Level 1 is used for the reward chest goal and this will be available right away at this mission start, while the main goal of the mission is to capture Level 2 cities, and this part is delayed by 3 days (so at day 7 of Week1)

Reward chest goal

All warzones work together to Capture 10 Level 1 Cities in total

Additional event: Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon Rocket Shadow

Starting from day 4 of week 1, a new weapon will be available for Kimberly: Rocket Shadow

Prerequisites to activate Rocket Shadow:

  • Kimberly must have 5 ⭐️

Even if you can activate the new weapon whenever you want (so you have all the time to bring her to 5 ⭐️ ), Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon Battle pass , that gives a huge amount of items needed for the activation, will be available only until day 3 of week 2.

To activate Rocket Shadow you have to use the following items:

  • 50 Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon shards kimberly exclusive weapon shard

After activation you can also use the following items to level up the weapon

  • Universal Exclusive Weapon shards universal exclusive weapon shard

You can find 70 Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon shards kimberly exclusive weapon shard in the Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon Battle pass , enough to activate the weapon and to bring it to level 2.

You can find some Universal Exclusive Weapon shards universal exclusive weapon shard in rewards chests in duel VS, in the event “Black Market” that is part of Season 1: Celebration and in some Season 2 activities. With Season 2 additional Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon shards kimberly exclusive weapon shard arrive through S2 Weapons of Legends.

Rocket Shadow details

  • Name: Rocket Shadow
  • Levels: up to 30 (it will be very expensive in terms of items to bring it up to level 30)
  • Boosts: Hero HP, Attack and Defense. All-Damage resistance.
  • Additional boots: Increases Kimberly’s skills max level

To see the power boost watch the video at the end of this paragraph with the whole activation process.

Preview of weapon attributes

Preview of Weapon Skills

Video of the whole activation of the new Exclusive Weapon Rocket Shadow

In this video you can see:

  • Kimberly’s Exclusive Weapon Shards kimberly exclusive weapon shard gained through the Exclusive Weapon Battle Pass
  • Activation of Rocket Shadow
  • Impact on Hero attributes

Purge Action

This mission will start day 1 of Week1 and lasts 7 days in total.

After the event starts, the time commanders first killed the highest level Zombie in the new season is recorded and ranked.

The higher the level of the Zombie killed by the commander, the higher the ranking. When the level of the Zombie killed is the same, the commander who kills faster ranks higher. Rewards are based on the commander’s ranking at the time of event settlement, the higher the ranking, the better the rewards.

During the event, settlements are made daily, and ranking rewards are delivered via mail.

Purge the Polluted Area

This mission will start day 1 of Week1 and lasts 13 days in total.

After the event starts, the time consumed by the Alliance to capture the Military Stronghold is recorded and ranked.

The higher the level of the Military Stronghold captured by the Alliance, the higher the ranking. When the level of the Military Stronghold captured is the same, the Alliance that captures faster ranks higher.

During the event, settlements are made daily. Rewards are based on the Alliance’s ranking at the time of event settlement, the higher the ranking, the better the rewards. Ranking rewards are delivered via mail.

Genetic Recombination

This event will start day 3 of Week1 and lasts for 47 days.

This event allows you to recombine genetic fragments to obtain rewards (a lot of mutant crystals mutant crystal to level up your Protein Farms).

There are 6 genetic fragment types and they can be earned through multiple action as described in the new resources section:

genetic fragment igenetic fragment iigenetic fragment iiigenetic fragment ivgenetic fragment vgenetic fragment vi

Recombine genetic fragments

The event feature is quite easy, if you have at least one piece of each genetic fragment type you just need to click on Recombine to start and you will immediately receive rewards. So basically, you can’t make any mistakes.

Don’t panic to get genetic fragments, after 1-2 days you will be full of genetic fragments of all sorts, in fact if you play daily and do recombinations you will have more than 200-300 of each fragment type spare at the end of the season.

You will need a whole set of genetic fragments from I to VI as shown in the video below.

Rewards rates

Clicking on the question mark you can access the rewards rates:

Recombination limits and timings
  • When the event starts you will have immediately available 10 recombinations
  • Every 2 hours the available recombination count is incremented by 1
  • The maximum amount of recombination at a given time is 30

Start exchange of genetic fragment with allies

You can exchange genetic fragments with your allies. To do so click on the exchange button on top of the genetic fragment you are missing or on the Exchange button on the upper right corner.

There are no limits on the number of exchanges you can start, but you can start only one exchange at a time.

To start an exchange select:

  • on the left the fragment you want to obtain
  • on the right the fragment you want to give away

Start the exchange clicking on the Exchange button and then share it with your alliance group and wait. The exchange will be available in the Allies Exchange section as shown in the next paragraph.

Once an ally accepted the exchange you will find it immediately available in the recombination section

Accept Exchanges from allies

Once an allie started an exchange request it will be listed in the Allies Exchange section where you can accept the trade.

In this section you will see a list of possible trades.

On the left what the allie is giving up, on the right the item you can exchange.

Once you click on the trade symbol genetic recombination trade a confirmation window will appear explaining better the deal and you can accept or cancel it.

You will be able to accept also exchanges directly from the chat if an allie shared it in the alliance group chat. Just click on exchange button that appears in chat and confirm the trade.

This is how your exchange shared on the chat will appear:

This is how other allies exchanges are shown in chat and how you an accept the trade.

City Clash S1

With this event the capture of cities starts.

This event is structured to last until all city levels unlock.
Each time a new level needs to be unlocked there will be a countdown for it on this event page


  1. After Alliance Military Stronghold and City connection, Alliance R5/R4 can declare war on Cities.
  2. After declaring war, the contest begins. Each alliance can only declare war on one City at a time.
  3. if the alliance lacks Military Strongholds or Cities, it must first capture a level 1 Military Stronghold. After connecting territories, it can declare war on other Cities
  4. Troops will be affected by toxins during sieges. Please increase troop Virus Resistance to reduce impact.
  5. Siege battles are risky, with a portion of units dying directly. The specific ratio is detailed on Cities.
  6. There will be first-time City capture rewards for participants. Alliance members will also receive City rewards. Alliances receive Loot chests as well, distributed by R5 or Butler.
  7. After capturing a City, all Alliance members get buffs. The City enters a protected state for a period, during which it can’t be declared war upon by others.

Check also the Cities section and the Military Stronghold and City Capture rules.


  1. 0mniscientEye

    Server 206:
    if the alliance lacks Military Strongholds or Cities, it must first capture a level 1 Military Stronghold. After connecting territories, it can declare war on other Cities

    Thank you for your work !

  2. Jasmeen

    What is the disadvantages to merge with alliances at week 2? My alliance got invited to join n work together.

    • cristian

      There are no disadvantages in merge, the only issue is that people might not like each other or have different habits or languages, if those issues can be solved it is great. Other than that merging is the good strategy to keep your alliance active and striving in your warzone, regardless of the timing. Consider that even after 300 days of starting the game I still see merges happening in my accounts.

  3. francesco

    Bello e divertente, ma le ricompense sono veramente ridicole in confronto a quanto si spende per completare un evento. Costringete i player a spendere fiumi di soldi e dare poco in cambio. Avari!!

    • cristian

      Sono d’accordo con te che le ricompense sono ridicole rispetto all’impegno inifinito. Però in tanti impazziscono per arrivare al primo posto. P.s. non faccio parte degli sviluppatori, sono solo un giocatore con guide, altrimenti una manciata di ricompense in più le avrei aggiunte 🙂

      • Anonymous

        Infatti impazziscono e svuotano la carta di credito 🙂
        Purtroppo è un gioco dalla formula: vince chi spende di più…
        Comunque, complimenti ottima guida!!

        • cristian

          Basta che non usano la mia carta di credito possono fare quello che vogliono 🙂 . Grazie.

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