Post Season 2 Events – Index of events/game-plays after Season 2 and Season 2 Celebration

Once you finished Season 2 and Season 2 celebration, the game evolves with some new game plays, waiting for Season 3 to start.

I created this article to have an index of what’s next to allow you to keep track of new events:


  1. UniqueFreakD

    Do you have any information regarding the server transfers and how that will work?

    • cristian

      Devs are still working on it, the base functionality should remain unchanged as far as I know. But we need to wait for the official announcements, it is too unpredictable.

  2. Anonymous

    Ciao, come si fa L espansione della base? Sono liv.29. Grazie

    • cristian

      Potrai farla solo una volta che hai raggiunto livello 29.

  3. Jorge

    Can you show us or let us know what decor is available in the black market during s2 end celebration?

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